1. Computer Control
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Computer Technology
1.3 Computer-Control Theory
1.4 Inherently Sampled Systems
1.5 How Theory Developed
1.6 Notes and References
2. Discrete-Time Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Sampling Continuous-Time Signals
2.3 Sampling a Continuous-Time State-Space System
2.4 Discrete-Time Systems
2.5 Changing Coordinates in State-Space Models
2.6 Input-Output Models
2.7 The z-Transform
2.8 Poles and Zeros
2.9 Selection of Sampling Rate
2.10 Problems
2.11 Notes and References
3. Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Stability
3.3 Sensitivity and Robustness
3.4 Controllability, Reachability, Observability, andDetectability
3.5 Analysis of Simple Feedback Loops
3.6 Problems
3.7 Notes and References
4. Pole-Placement Design: A State-Space Approach
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Control-System Design
4.3 Regulation by State Feedback
4.4 Observers
4.5 Output Feedback
4.6 The Servo Problem
4.7 A Design Example
4.8 Conclusions
4.9 Problems
4.10 Notes and References
5. Pole-Placement Design: A Polynomial Approach
5.1 Introduction
5.2 A Simple Design Problem
5.3 The Diophantine Equation
5.4 More Realistic Assumptions
5.5 Sensitivity to Modeling Errors
5.6 A Design Procedure
5.7 Design of a Controller for the Double Integrator
5.8 Design of a Controller for the Harmonic Oscillator
5.9 Design of a Controller for a Flexible Robot Arm
5.10 Relations to Other Design Methods
5.11 Conclusions
5.12 Problems
5.13 Notes and References
6. Design: An Overview
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Operational Aspects
6.3 Principles of Structuring
6.4 A Top-Down Approach
6.5 A Bottom-Up Approach
6.6 Design of Simple Loops
6.7 Conclusions
6.8 Problems
6.9 Notes and References
7. Process-Oriented Models
7.1 Introduction
7.2 A Computer-Controlled System
7.3 Sampling and Reconstruction
7.4 Aliasing or Frequency Folding
7.5 Designing Controllers with Predictive First-Order Hold
7.6 The Modulation Model
7.7 Frequency Response
7.8 Pulse-Transfer-Function Formalism
7.9 Multirate Sampling
7.10 Problems
7.11 Notes and References
8. Approximating Continuous-Time Controllers
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Approximations Based on Transfer Functions
8.3 Approximations Based on State Models
8.4 Frequency-Response Design Methods
8.5 Digital PID-Controllers
8.6 Conclusions
8.7 Problems
8.8 Notes and References
9. Implementation of Digital Controllers
9.1 Introduction
9.2 An Overview
9.3 Prefiltering and Computational Delay
9.4 Nonlinear Actuators
9.5 Operational Aspects
9.6 Numerics
9.7 Realization of Digital Controllers
9.8 Programming
9.9 Conclusions
9.10 Problems
9.11 Notes and References
10. Disturbance Models
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Reduction of Effects of Disturbances
10.3 Piecewise Deterministic Disturbances
10.4 Stochastic Models of Disturbances
10.5 Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes
10.6 Sampling a Stochastic Differential Equation
10.7 Conclusions
10.8 Problems
10.9 Notes and References
11. Optimal Design Methods: A State-Space Approach
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Linear Quadratic Control
11.3 Prediction and Filtering Theory
11.4 Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control
11.5 Practical Aspects
11.6 Conclusions
11.7 Problems
11.8 Notes and References
12. Optimal Design Methods: A Polynomial Approach
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Problem Formulation
12.3 Optimal Prediction
12.4 Minimum-Variance Control
12.5 Linear Quadratic Gaussian LQG Control
12.6 Practical Aspects
12.7 Conclusions
12.8 Problems
12.9 Notes and References
l3. Identification
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Mathematical Model Building
13.3 System Identification
13.4 The Principle of Least Squares
13.5 Recursive Computations
13.6 Examples
13.7 Summary
13.8 Problems
13.9 Notes and References
A. Examples
B. Matrices
B.1 Matrix Functions
B.2 Matrix-Inversion Lemma
B.3 Notes and References