These were some of the same fighting men who had outfought, outguessed and outrun the finest American army on record, an army outumbering the Apaches by a hundred to one.Yet a lone woman with two small children had fought them off,and the woman was scarcely more than a girl. And she was pre-pared to fight now. There was a glint of admiration in the old eyes that appraised her. The Apache was a fighting man, and he re-spected fighting blood.
"Where is your man?"
"He has gone to El Paso." Angie's voice was steady, but she frightened as she had never been before. She recognized Cochise from descriptions, and she knew that if he decided to kill or capture her it would be done. Until now, the sporadic attacks she had fought off had been those of casual bands of warriors who raided her in passing.
本教程是根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的要求而编写的英语基础阶段泛读教 材,供英语专业一、二年级学生使用。《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对阅读二级的要求是:能阅读难度相当于Thirty-Nine Steps(简写本)的材料以及Reader's Digest上的文章,本教程的第二册除了包含与Thirty-Nine Steps难度一致的浅显材料外,专门挑选了Reader's Digest的文章;同样,教程的第四册也根据大纲对阅读四级的要求选用了文学原著Sons and Lovers的章节,尽量做到贴近大纲的规定与要求。全套教程四册针对四个学期,本着循序渐进的精神,难度也逐渐加大。每册分成16个单元,足以满足一个学期的教学量。