

  • 作者:Susan Stempleski 杨惠中
  • 出版社:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544625883
  • 出版日期:2012年04月01日
  • 页数:148
  • 定价:¥36.00
  • 分享领佣金




    1 New Friends,New Faces
    Topic Meeting people; describing people
    Vocabulary Personal information; personaldescriptions
    Functions Introducing yourself
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Meeting new people
    Vocabulary Link: Online pen pals
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Question intonation review
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    ' Lesson B Video Course What does he look like?
    G/obal Viewpoints: Describing yourself and others
    City Living: Sun—hee's favorite cousin
    2 Vacation!
    Topic Weather; vacation habits and preferences
    Vocabulary Weather; vacation travel
    Functions Giving advice and suggestions
    LessonA Listening & Speaking How's the weather?
    Vocabulary Link: How's the weather?
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: should and shouldn't
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson B Video Course On vacation
    Global Viewpoints: The weather
    What should I do?
    City Living: Another souvenir?
    3 All About You
    Topic Pastimes and preferences; personality
    Vocabulary Sports; teams and clubs
    Functions Inviting; accepting and declining invitations
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking My favorite pastimes
    Vocabulary Link: Teams and clubs
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Reduced to
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson B Video Course Sports and pastimes
    Global Viewpoints: Sports and pastimes
    City Living: l'm very athletic!
    4 Change
    Topic Making changes in your life; plans and dreams
    Vocabulary Changing for the better; plans after graduation
    Functions Making and responding to requests
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking I need a change.
    Vocabulary Link: I need a change.
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Reduced want to
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson B Video Course Plans and dreams
    Globa/Viewpoints: Making changes
    Goals,plans and dreams
    City Living: Mike needs a change.
    5 Around the World
    Topic Neighborhoods and cities
    Vocabulary Places in the neighborhood; talking about cities
    Functions Asking for and giving directions
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Places in my city
    Vocabulary Link: In the neighborhood
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Sentence stress
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Leason B Video Course Cities and towns
    G/obal Viewpoints: In my neighborhood
    Cities and towns
    City Living: You can't miss it!
    6 Home Sweet Home
    Topic Houses,apartments,rooms,and housing
    Vocabulary Places in a house; student housing
    Functions Showing surprise
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Housing
    Vocabulary Link: For rent
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Rising intonation to show surprise
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson 8 Video Course Student housing
    G/oba/Viewpoints: Where I live
    Student housing
    City Living: Welcome to New York!
    7 Your Health
    Topic Health and body
    Vocabulary Body parts
    Functions Talking about health problems
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Health and body
    Vocabulary Link: Touch your toes!
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Reduced h
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson B Video Course Staying health
    Global Viewpoints: Health problems
    Staying health
    City Living: Laughter is the best medicine.
    8 Jobs and Ambitions
    Topic Professions; job interviews; personalities
    Vocabulary Abilities; personality
    Functions Asking about jobs
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Jobs
    Vocabulary Link: What do you do?
    Listening: Activities 1—5
    Pronunciation: Reduced what do you and what does
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1—2
    Lesson B Video Course My job
    Global Viewpoints: My job
    People at work
    City Living: I can get this job!
    Review: Units 1—4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension
    Review: Units 5—8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外