The Airways and BIood Vessels
para 1 During inspiration air passes through either the nose(the most com-
mon site)or mouth into the pharynx(throat),a passage common to
both air and food.The pharynx branches into two tubes,the esopha-
gus through which food passes to the stomach,and the larynx,
which is part of the airways.The larynx houses the vocal cords,
two folds of elastic tissue stretched horizontally across its lumen.
The flow of ai r past the vocaI cords causes them to vibrate,produ.
cing sounds.The nose,mouth,pharynx and larynx are termed the
upper airways.
para 2 The larynx opens into a long tube,the trachea,which in turn bran-
ches into two bronchi,one of which enters each lung。Within the
lungs,there are more than 20 generations of branchings,each resul-
ting in narrower,shorter,and more numerous tubes.The walls of
the trachea and bronchi contain cartilage.which gives them thei r cy-
lindrical shape and supports them.The first ai rway branches that no
longer contain cartilage are termed bronchioles.Alveoli first begin
to appear,attached to the walls of respiratory bronchioles。The
number of alveoli increases in the alveolar ducts,and the airways
then end in grapelike clusters consisting entirely of alveoli.The air-
ways,Iike blood vessels,are surrounded by smooth muscle,the
contraction or relaxation of which can alter airway radius.
para 3 The airways beyond the larynx can be divided into two zones:(1)
The conducting zone extends from the top of the trachea to the be-
ginning of the respiratory bronchioles;it contains no alveoli and
there is no gas exchange with the blood.(2)The respiratory zone,
which extends from the respiratory bronchioles on down,contains
alveoli and there is an exchange of gases with the blood. 改革开放以来,随着我国对外交往和学术交流的不断深入,社会对专业技术人员的外语水平要求也越来越高。在这种形势下,我国对大学英语教学进行了一系列改革和创新,取得了很大成绩。但是应用提高阶段的专业英语尤其是医学专业英语的教学还很薄弱,其中一个重要原因是医学专业英语教材的改革和创新与时代的发展和需要极不适应。为了深化医学英语教学改革,使广大医学院校的本科生、研究生尽快掌握21世纪迫切需要的、在一定专业领域内以英语为工具进行信息交流的能力,根据教育部《大学英语教学大纲[修订本]》的要求,我们组织国内部分医学院校具有丰富教学经验的教授、专家编写了《21世纪大学医学英语》系列教材。
本书为《基础医学英语》,共18课。每课由两部分组成:Section A为术语,Section B为两篇文章。书后附有练习答案,Passage A的译文和词汇表。