Public Accountant(CPA).The British equivalent for a CPA is CA.representing chartered accountants.
The scope.of services offered by public accounting finns is expending inthe information age.Auditing。which is a typical type of one of the main functions of a CPA finn.Among audit services,the Inost commonis the financialstatement audiLOther types of auditsenrices inchde operational audits and compliance audits.Tax preparationand planning is another function of a public accountant.Because tax factorsare important to most major financial decisions,CPAs are often asked foradvice about the possible tax consequences of a particular decision.Also,C:PAs often are asked to prepare income tax returns.Management advisoryservices are among the fastest growing practice fll~a8 in accounting finns·Inaddition,many finns are expanding the traditional bounds of services toinclude such areas as organization design,information processing,employeebenefits,and human resource management.
Gowrnmenta/accounting.The management of governmental affairsrequires the Use of accounting for record keeping,planning,and controllingoperations.Many accountants work in government of~ces or for nonprofitorganizations.These two areas are often joined together under the termgovermental and institutional accounting.The two are similar because oflegal restrictions in the way in which they receive and spend funds.Therefore,a legal background is sometimes necessary for this type ofaccounting practice.All branches of governments employ accountants·Inaddition.government-owned corporations have accountants on their staffs.Auofthese accountants。like those in private industry,work on a s山ry basis.Thev tend to become specialists in limited fields like transportation or publicutilities.
Nonprofit organizations are,of course,in business for some purposeother than making money.They include cultural organizations,charitableorganizations,religious gr
…… 伴随着世界经济一体化的步伐,世界已经走进中国,中国也已经全面走向世界。毫无疑问,中国与世界越融合,对国际化人才的需求就越强烈。掌握英语是国际化人才的**素质,尤其是既有专业知识,又能熟练使用英语的人才,具有广泛的社会需求和发展空间。本书正是本着满足社会需求的原则,为广大的财务经理、会计人员、大专院校学生和广大的从商者提供一本适用的会计英语教材。