Chapter Ⅰ The Ancient World
Ⅰ Historical Introuction
Ⅱ Literary Ciants and Works
Ⅲ Reading
Chapter Ⅱ The Middle Ages
Ⅰ Historical Introduction
Ⅱ Literary Giants and Works
Ⅲ Reading
Chapter Ⅲ The Renaissance
Ⅰ Historical Introduction
Ⅱ Literary Giants and Works
Ⅲ Reading
Chapter Ⅳ Classicism
Ⅰ The Rise of Classicism
Ⅱ The Features of Classicism
Ⅲ The Representatives of Classicism
Ⅳ The Rise of English Realist Novel
Ⅴ Reading
Chapter Ⅴ Romanticism
Ⅰ The Rise of Romanticism
Ⅱ The Features of Romanticism
Ⅲ The Representatives of Romanticism
Ⅴ Reading
Chapter Ⅵ Realism and Naturalism
Ⅰ The Rise of Realism
Ⅱ The Features of Realism
Ⅲ The Representatives of Realism
Ⅳ Naturalism
Ⅴ The Representatives of Naturalism
Ⅵ Reading
Chapter Ⅶ Modernism