Limited Group Technique
In the Limited Group Technique, the group meets together, but members operate independently: (1) Members writes down their ideas silently, without discussing the problem; (2) Each member presents only one idea to the group. The ideas are recorded on a chalkboard, flipchart, or overhead. There should be no discussion until all the ideas are presented; (3) The group then discusses the ideas. How clear are they? What are some problems with them? (4) Discussion is finished. Silently, each member ranks the ideas ( Give them numbers from the best to worst. For example, you might give one for the poorest idea and higher numbers for each one that is better). The idea with the highest combined number is then accepted.
EXERCISE #9. Limited Group Technique. Here's another problem. Follow the instructor's directions, and solve the problem, using the Limited Group Technique. After you have finished, discuss the technique. What did you like or dislike about it? YOU DECIDE. Situation: Your company is a conglomerate. Conglomerates are companies that own several unrelated businesses. Those businesses can be products or services. Your company produces cars, washing machines, and computers. The company has 36,000 workers. It operates in 20 different countries, but about 50% of its sales are domestic. 经济全球化及中国加入世界贸易组织给我们带来巨大的挑战,这种挑战不仅表现在我国企业在国际经营活动中必须遵守国际商业规则与惯例,同时还要求我国从商人员及在校学生必须提升自己的专业知识,学习国外先进的管理技术、经营理念,熟悉国际商务活动的行为规范,具有娴熟的商务沟通技能,实现与国际市场的真正接轨,而所有这一切的*终实现在很大程度上取决于他们直接用外语获取相关专业知识的能力和水平以及商务英语交际的技能。为帮助在校学生、从商人员和有志于从事商务实践的人士实现这一目标,我们推出了“商务专业英语系列丛书”。