Hesiod's Theogony (theos, "god" + gonos, "offspring") provides most of the myths about the Greek gods' birth, offspring, and genealogical descent. Given the poet's bitter experience of poverty and bard work, Hesiod presents a grim picture of intergenerational conflict among the gods.
In the beginning, the universe is a cosmos evolving from Chaos. Chaos and Gaea (the earth) generate everything that exists, including seas, mountains, monsters and gods. Then gods of succeeding generations are traced back to Gaea and her mating with her son Uranus (the sky).This incestuous union produces 12 Titans with Cronus as their leader. Advised by his mother, Cronus castrates Uranus, severing the link between sky and earth, and becomes the new king of the cosmos. Cronus copulates with his sister Rhea to bring about Zeus and his siblings, the future older Olympians.
正由于上述种种益处,国内外的教育机构纷纷开设了介绍和研究希腊罗马神话的课程,以帮助学生提高人文素养、增强跨文化交际能力。但鉴于希腊罗马神话的版本众多、浩繁复杂, 以及对西方文化影响的深度和广度,开设该门课程绝非易事。作者出于对希腊罗马神话的浓厚兴趣,不避其烦,自2003年至今已连续数年为学生开设多媒体《希腊罗马神话欣赏》专业选修课程。课程的高选课率和出勤率,以及学生们所表现出的高涨的学习和探究热情已成为本人不断完善该门课程的动力。作为课程载体的内部教材更是几经修改、日臻完善,业已成为学生爱不释手的解渴之物。独乐乐不如众乐乐,作者有幸获得了上海外国语大学教材出版基金的资助,从而得以在更大的范围内与大家分享阅读和欣赏西方文化重要源头的无穷乐趣。