Personnel policies are not static, and even in agencies with well-es-tablished and complete policies they need to be reviewed periodically.Changes are most often identified in response to problems or issues.Several employees, for example, may develop an interest in job sharingbecause of their family circumstances. A poliey may need to be devel-oped to describe under what circumstances is job sharing possible, whatcategories of positions are eligible for sharing, and how employees applyfor sharing. In other instances, there may be concern that too muchtime is being spent by employees playing computer games or surfing theInternet, and policies may need to be developed that limit the use ofagency resources for these purposes.
Changes also occur in response to changes in applicable laws. Sev-eral years ago, a policy dealing with sexual harassment was probablythe exception rather than the rule. Today, given U. S. Supreme Courtrulings about employer liability when such harassment occurs, all agenties are well served by a written policy in this area.
Agencies with policies should also review them periodically againsta suggested list of what should be included in a policy manual. Addi-tional eontent on behavioral expectations was added because it is oftensuch expectations that create minor sources of tension with the agency.Creating Your Employee Handbook and comparable publications canalso help in developing a personnel manual.
Agencies that do not have many written policies or have not eodi- fled their existing policies may believe that the task of developing such a codification is overwhelming when reviewing a list of possible personnel manual content. Such agencies are likely to be small or new. Unless the agency is able to devote a portion of someone's time to developing a pol- icy manual of contract with someone to develop one, the task may in deed be overwhelming. MPA(Master of Public Administration)即“公共管理硕士专业学位”,与MBA一样,也是国际通行的一种专业学位。该学位培养的是从事公共管理、公共事务和公共政策分析的中高层次的应用型人才。在MPA的整个教育培养过程中,应该以提**生的实际能力和素质为主。围绕着这一主题,我就如何更好地开展MPA英语的教学提出几点建设性的意见。一、加强我国MPA专业英语教学的必要性