Three variables characterize a bond: its parvalue, its coupon rate, and its maturitydate. The par value is the amount of money the holder will receive on the bond's maturitydate. The coupon rate is the percentage of par value the issuer promises to pay theinvestor annually as interest income. On the maturity date, the company will pay the bondholder principal and will cease further interest payments.
On the issue date, companies usually try to set the coupon rate on the new bondequal to the prevailing interest rate on other bonds of similar maturity and quality. Thisensures that the bond's initial market price will about equal its par value. After issue, themarket price of a bond can differ substantially from its par value, as market interest rateschange. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and vice versa.
Most forms of long-term indebtedness require periodic repayment of principal. Thisprincipal repayment is known as a sinking fund. Readers who have studied too muchaccounting will know that technically a sinking fund is a sum of money the company setsaside to meet a future obligation, and this is the way bonds used to work, but no more.Today a bond sinking fund is a direct payment to creditors that reduces principal.Depending on the indenture agreement, there are several ways a firm can meet itssinking-fund obligation. It can repurchase a certain number of bonds in securities markets,or it can retire a certain number of bonds by paying the holders par value. When acompany has a choice, it will naturally repurchase bonds if the market price of the bondsis below par value, which occurs whenever interest rates rise after the bond is issued. 随着《企业会计准则》和《中国注册会计师执业准则》在中国的广泛实施,中国会计不仅在制度和理论上,更是在实务中,与国际会计实现了实质性趋同:随着中国会计的进一步国际化,会计人员也必将与国际会计实现无缝对接。这一切都对广大会计人提出了更高的要求,尤其是专业英语方面。一本好的专业英语教材无疑会帮助会计专业学生和其他会计从业人员更好地掌握“专业+英语”的相关知识。本教材试图在这方面,尝试性地起到有益的作用。
①成果丰硕,中国特色明显。《会计专业英语教程》是马建威博士主持的2008年度教育部双语教学示范课程“中级财务会计”(Intermediate Financial Accounting)的配套教材及阶段性成果之一。本教材中相当一部分内容由作者编写,直接阐述了中国会计的*新发展,并与FASB、IASB进行了呼应;书中很多案例或例题直接采用了部分中国企业的相关内容,比如第6章中的报表就引用了康佳集团的2007年年报,充分体现了会计专业英语的“本土化”。