

  • 作者:柴丹 著,詹姆斯·托马斯·塞拉斯 译
  • 出版社:译林出版社
  • ISBN:9787544796170
  • 出版日期:2023年08月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥32.00
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    一千多年前的南北朝时期,北朝政权北魏和草原上崛起的部落制汗国柔然连年征战,百姓的安定生活成为奢望。黄河以南,一个名为“花家峪”的村庄里,生活着一个军户家庭。男主人花弧一生戎马,战事再次来临之时,年迈体衰的他再也无力应征出战。二女儿花木兰挺身而出,替父从军。 英气逼人的木兰在从军途中出手解救了自幼熟读兵书的孙小五,在军中结识了不打不相识的英勇好汉张大壮,三个伙伴因出众的武艺和谋略成为北魏大军的领导力量。他们齐心协力,联合高车一族,率军击溃了柔然的入侵。 得胜归来的木兰不求闻达。她回到家乡,与家人团聚。至此,同袍们方知她竟是女儿身。
    第1章 与众不同的花木兰 一千多年前的南北朝时期,古老的中国曾经陷入动荡和分裂。神州大地上出现了许多政权,各政权之间经常爆发战争,政权不断更迭。后来,北方出现了一个比较强大的政权——北魏。北魏打败了许多对手,统一了黄河流域,成为统治北方的“大国”。然而,北魏周边的一些好战政权为了争夺利益,仍不断侵扰中原,北魏的和平和安宁经常受到威胁。
    自打花弧回到家中,时间转眼过去了两年。这一年,姐姐准备出嫁,弟弟也进了书院。花木兰长成了十六岁的大姑娘,武艺更是精进了不少。一家人的生活平静、美满,谁也没有想到,战争的阴影再一次笼罩了他们。 CHAPTER 1
    Mulan, Like No Other Over one thousand years ago, during the Northern and Southern dynasties period, ancient China had descended into chaos and was divided. Barbarians were invading from outside of China, and inside China there was great disorder. It had split into many small states, with the states constantly warring among each other, and governments often changing. Eventually, a great power emerged in the north —
    the Northern Wei dynasty. The Northern Wei defeated many northern states and unified the Yellow River basin region, becoming the ruler of the north. Near the Northern Wei, though, war-loving states would still instigate wars in order to pursue their own interests. The peace and tranquility of the Northern Wei were often threatened.
    To the south of the Yellow River was a village called “Huajiayu.” Here lived the Hua family, the father of the family a veteran named Hua Hu. When Hua Hu was young, he fought in many wars, only retiring when the Northern Wei unified the north. Because he was a successful military commander, leading 1,000 soldiers in battles, when he left the military, his commanding officer gave him a financial reward. As Hua Hu fought on the battlefield for much of his life, he was extremely happy to finally have the opportunity to return home and be with his wife and children. He used some of his money to renovate his home, and also bought some farmland, planning to live out the rest of his life in Huajiayu.
    Hua Hu had three children with his wife, and the most special among them was his second-oldest daughter, Mulan. She was a tall girl, and by the time she was 13 or 14, she was already as tall as her father. Her voice was rich and resonant, and she was very strong. If it wasn’t for her elegant features and beautiful hair, many would have figured she was a handsome young man. From a young age Mulan was always hard-working and wise beyond her age. When her father was not home, she would choose to do the most difficult work — chopping firewood, carrying water back home, and worked the farmland. Her mother felt bad for Mulan, but Mulan told her, “My older sister is feeble and my little brother is too young. Among our family, I’m the one who is the tallest and strongest, so of course I should help you take care of the family.”
    Mulan was a good girl who made her entire family proud of her. The only thing that made her mother feel uneasy was when compared to regular girls, Mulan was a bit too brave. Perhaps she had been influenced by her father, as she greatly enjoyed martial arts, horseback riding, and archery. As she was growing up, whenever her father was back home from the battlefield, she would beg him to teach her Chinese boxing, martial arts, horseback riding, and archery. At first, her father thought it was just going through a phrase, so he only taught her the basics of martial arts. Who would have known that she in fact was naturally talented, and always would quickly grasp the main ideas of what her father taught her? Later on, her father would fully teach her Chinese boxing and cudgel play. Mulan took great joy in learning these things, studying and practicing hard. By the time she was 13 or 14, she had become an expert martial artist in the Huajiayu area. During the farming off-season, Hua Mulan would challenge boys from the village to martial arts fights by the scholar tree near the village entrance. Near the village were some youngsters who practiced martial arts. They sparred with her, but even the 17 and 18-year-olds were no match for her.
    For as long as Mulan could remember, her father would only come home for a year or a half maximum before having to return to the barracks. This time, however, upon hearing that her father had retired and no longer had to fight wars, Mulan was absolutely ecstatic. As soon as she had the chance, she had her father teach her about martial arts. She was also quite interested in his battlefield stories often asking him all about what happened.
    “Father, why do states fight each other?” Mulan asked.
    “When there is a disagreement among people, they’ll fight, so when there are disagreements between states, they’ll fight as well!” Her father said.
    “As soon as our state gets into a war, you have to leave home. Some people die and some are injured on the battlefield. I think that wars are not a good thing. It would be great if there were no more wars!” Mulan said.
    “War? War is something that really can’t be avoided!” Her father sighed, continuing on, “But sometimes wars are fought in order to avoid more wars in the future. If someone invades our state and we don’t fight back, then they won’t know our strength. Only when we fight back and beat them will they not want to come back. Only in this way will there be peace between different states.”
    “You’re right, father! Last time when there was a thief who tried to steal food from our backyard, I caught him and beat him up, but mother scolded me, saying that I was too reckless and shouldn’t go beating people up. It looks like she was wrong! I beat the thief up to make sure that he wouldn’t come back and end up getting beat up again.” Mulan smiled widely after she said this.
    “Oh! Mulan, my daughter, everything is fine, and it’s just that you don’t act like a girl,” Mulan’s mother said lovingly but frustratedly, having overheard their conversation.
    “Mother, don’t say that! I’m also good at doing the things that girls are supposed to do! Cooking, weaving, sewing — which of these am I not good at?” Mulan stared at her mother, blinking, taking the opportunity to sit at the loom and start weaving.
    Mulan’s mother thought this was funny, and that Mulan was not wrong. When working, Mulan would concentrate hard, overlooking nothing. The fabric that she wove was smooth and finely woven. On one of her pieces of fabric, there were virtually no loose threads. The clothing that she made also looked wonderful, with no flaws that could be pointed out.
    Two years quickly passed after Hua Hu returned home. Mulan’s older sister was now preparing to leave home and get married, and her little brother had started school. Hua Mulan was now 16 years old, and her martial arts skills had further improved. Her family lived quiet, content lives. Nobody could have guessed that the shadow of war would once again envelop the entire state.
    第1章 与众不同的花木兰 第2章 替父出征 第3章 告别家人 第4章 路见不平,拔刀相助 第5章 不打不相识 第6章 万里赴戎机 第7章 首站告捷 第8章 独当一面,以少胜多 第9章 归来见天子 第10章 木兰还故乡 CHAPTER 1 Mulan, Like No Other CHAPTER 2 Fighting in Her Father’s Stead CHAPTER 3 Bidding Farewell to the Family CHAPTER 4 Marching Forth for Justice CHAPTER 5 From Fighting Blossoms a Friendship CHAPTER 6 The Long Military March CHAPTER 7 Victory in the First Battle CHAPTER 8 Taking Responsibility to Defeat the Enemy CHAPTER 9 Returning to See the Emperor CHAPTER 10 Mulan Returns Home



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外