Before we begin our discussions on any specific topics about English literature, let us firstdeal with some basic issues concerning literature at large so as to prepare our minds forspecific studies of English literature.
The original source of literature arises from human interest in telling a story aboutsome aspects of human experiences by arranging words in artistic forms. Initially, theliterary impulse exists only in one's mind. It is the writer who turns this impulse ofexperience into literature, by means of language, and in such forms as fiction, poetry,drama, or essay. To a certain extent, literature may be briefly defined as fictional texts inthe form of language artistically employed to achieve identifiable literary qualities andconvey meaningful messages.
The word "literature" came into English from the 14th century in the sense of politelearning through reading. Thus a man of literature, or a man of letters, referred to what wewould now describe as a man of wide reading, somewhat like the modem meaning of theword "literacy". From the mid-18th century, literature referred to the practice andprofession of writing. And since the 19th century, literature has been the high skills ofwriting with exuberant imagination.
1 What Is Literature?1.1 Types of literatureLiterature may be classified into four categories or genres: prose fiction, poetry, drama,and nonfiction prose.
Prose fiction, or narrative fiction, includes myths, parables, romances, novels andshort stories. The essence of prose fiction is narration, the relating of a sequence of eventsor actions. Fictional works usually focus on one or a few major characters who changeand grow as a result of how they deal with other characters and how they attempt to solvetheir problems.