

  • 作者:刘金玲 丛书 刘学明
  • 出版社:湖南师范大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787810817592
  • 出版日期:2008年01月01日
  • 页数:350
  • 定价:¥34.00
  • 分享领佣金




    PAssAGE 1
    Yellow FeVer
    [1] Hopes for a victory over the diseas-of yellow fever were raised stillfurther when one of a team of Rockefeller doctors,studying yellow fever inGhana,scored a major victory in the summer of 1927.Visiting a village wherethere was an outbreak,the doctor took blood from a good-looking young African,Asibi by name④。who had a mild touch of fever.The doctor now injected some ofhis blood into four animals including one monkey that had just arrived from India.Only the monkey went down with yellow fever@.For the first time the virus ofthe disease had been passed into an animal other than man.Having animals thatcould be given the disease opened the way to new 1ines of experiments.
    [2]The Asibi virus was kept going from monkey to monkey.In this way theygradually developed a virus whose power to make people ill had been greatlylowered.But still it had enough strength to develop resistance in human beings.So from the blood of a West African a vaccine was finally developed that nowprotects millions of people from yellow fever.
    [3]Such,then,was the point reached in 1932.Yellow fever appeared to be onthe way out,at least in the Americas⑥.Then there occurred an outbreak in a country district in Brazil.This was strange,since yellow fever had always been believed to be a disease of the city,one that people caught by being bitten in their own homes by the city type of mosquitoes,bred within a hundred yards of their houses.Something much more surprising,however,was in store for the members of the Brazilian Yellow Fever Service,when they reached the-area.There was yellow fever in the district,without doubt.The Service found it was present by all the standard tests.But there were no city-type mosquitoes,not one.
    [4] One morning a doctor went into the j ungle with some woodcutters.Hewanted to collect mosquitoes,but they weren't biting.The doctor was just readyto leave,when one of the men shouted that a tree w
    …… 阅读对于学习语言的重要性是不言而喻的。古人有言,“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,指的就是阅读对掌握语言、提高写作能力所起的作用。另一说“读万卷书,行万里路”,也包含着类似的意思。至于“青灯黄卷”、“寒窗苦读”,则除了倡导发愤学习,还说明了对大量阅读的重视。
    PASSAGE 1 Yellow Fever
    PASSAGE 2 Intelligence in Animals
    PASSAGE 3 Electronic Burglar Alarms
    PASSAGE 4 America's New Recession
    PASSAGE 5 The Discovery of a Sunken Ship
    PASSAGE 6 Man Hunters of the USA
    PASSAGE 7 Frank Turner
    PASSAGE 8 The Interaction of Body and Mind
    PASSAGE 9 The Land and the People
    PASSAGE 10 Supermarkets
    PASSAGE 11 Sex on the Job
    PASSAGE 12 From the Other Side of the Generation Gap
    PASSAGE 13 A Virtual University
    PASSAGE 14 WTO Finds US Trade Damaged by EU Beef Import Ban
    PASSAGE 15 Two Major Parties in Britain
    PASSAGE 16 Reeds, Pens and Beyond
    PASSAGE 17 Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth
    PASSAGE 18 How Hurricanes Get Their Names
    PASSAGE 19 Indo-European Languages
    PASSAGE 20 Death.a Part of Life
    PASSAGE 21 Tame Volcanoes
    PASSAGE 22 The Secret Language of Barrier Signals
    PASSAGE 23 The Birth of Jesus
    PASSAGE 24 The Man with the Jade Mask
    PASSAGE 25 The Piece of String
    PASSAGE 26 Robert Baden-Powell, Secret Agent
    PASSAGE 27 Stuck on Stamps
    PASSAGE 28 The American Tax System
    PASSAGE 29 We Are Not a Nation of Tax Cheats
    PASSAGE 30 Insurance
    PASSAGE 31 Investment Banking Companies
    PASSAGE 32 Weather Catastrophe-Then and Now?
    PASSAGE 33 Bittersweet Companions
    PASSAGE 34 Safeguarding Life
    PASSAGE 35 The Red Data Books
    PASSAGE 36 The First Ecologists
    PASSAGE 37 Twins,Genes and Environment
    PASSAGE 38 The Antler Riddle
    PASSAGE 39 Beneath the Canopy
    PASSAGE 40 Paralinguistic Communication
    APPENDIX Keys, Notes and Vocabulary



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