

  • 作者:田海平
  • 出版社:中国社会科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787520360470
  • 出版日期:2020年11月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥178.00
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    目录 **版序 :“哲学冶在历史中 ,”人冶在历史中 ……………………(1) 第二版序 :进入哲学之”门冶 ………………………………………(1) 导论什么是哲学 一哲学是永远的追问 ……………………………………………(3) 二哲学是 “无用冶之学” …………………………………………(6) 三哲学是非常性的思 ……………………………………………(8) 四哲学是文明的 “活冶的灵魂” …………………………………(10) 五哲学是爱智慧的视野和眼光 …………………………………(14) 六哲学是思想道路的突破 ………………………………………(16) 七哲学是对 “爱智慧之困难冶的响应” …………………………(20) 八哲学是在危机四伏的时代 “将爱智慧进行到底冶” …………(31) 上篇哲学的三源与叙事隐喻 **章哲学三源 :印度、希腊与中国 ……………………………(39) 一通天塔与巴别塔 ………………………………………………(39) 二印度河畔的证悟 ………………………………………………(44) 三希腊城邦中的理性对话 ………………………………………(49) 四中国哲学 :实践的智慧学 ……………………………………(55) 五回到本源 ,回到哲学的故乡 …………………………………(59) 第二章哲学的光源隐喻与 “光明冶叙事 (上) ………………… (62) 一哲学与 “光冶的叙事模式” ……………………………………(62) 二“真正的世界冶成了寓言” ……………………………………(67) 三叔本华的邀请 :接受远古印度智慧的洗礼 …………………(70) 四尼采的自白 :做希腊酒神的弟子 ……………………………(73) 五海德格尔与中国道家思想的相遇 ……………………………(79) 第三章哲学的光源隐喻与 “光明冶叙事 (下) …………………(87) 一希望之 “光冶与哲学家的 “炼狱冶 …………………………(87) 二光照说与基督教的上帝观念 …………………………………(94) 三通向康德之路 :追求光明的思想道路 ………………………(102) 四散播光明与启蒙哲学的光明叙事 ……………………………(111) 第四章哲学的镜子隐喻及其叙事模式 ……………………………(117) 一镜中哲学与哲学中的 “镜子冶 ………………………………(117) 二哲学的镜喻与哲学反思科学的叙事 …………………………(120) 三心镜与心的观念 :抽象的镜子模型 …………………………(125) 四模型的坍塌 :穿破 “镜子冶的思想 …………………………(134) 五知识之问 :庄子的知与维特根斯坦的不可说 ………………(142) 中篇哲学的爱智范式 第五章哲学的爱智梦想 ……………………………………………(151) 一为爱智慧而致力于哲学的事业 ………………………………(151) 二爱智慧的含义 …………………………………………………(153) 三哲学之路 :智识型的方向 ……………………………………(154) 四爱智的梦想 :存在、知识��逻辑 ……………………………(156) 第六章苏格拉底之死与智慧问诘 …………………………………(162) 一为爱智慧而受难的哲学家 ……………………………………(162) 二苏格拉底对话录中的智慧问诘 ………………………………(165) 三再谈柏拉图的哲学视景 ………………………………………(168) 四老斯东别具一格的 “申辩冶 …………………………………(173) 五“活冶的生命与 “活冶的智慧 ………………………………(177) 第七章世界两分的哲学** ……………………………………… (184) 目录3 一哲学之为物与哲学权力 ………………………………………(184) 二柏拉图为何要驱逐诗人 ………………………………………(189) 三别有洞天 :洞穴中的世界及穿越其间的目光 ………………(195) 四哲学的 “**归来冶 …………………………………………(202) 五柏拉图是如何开始了哲学 ……………………………………(206) 第八章爱智慧与学术的谱系 ………………………………………(211) 一爱智慧如何成为系统化的学术探索 …………………………(211) 二逻辑的力量与思想的力量 ……………………………………(218) 三**哲学 :形而上学 …………………………………………(224) 第九章爱智范式的演进 ……………………………………………(234) 一“爱智范式冶与形而上学的历史 ……………………………(234) 二爱智慧与哲学形而上学的** ………………………………(241) 三哲学 :回向何处 ,出路何在 ? ………………………………(245) 下篇将爱智慧进行到底 第十章危机时代的哲学之思 ………………………………………(253) 一“爱智范式冶的哲学之终结 …………………………………(253) 二世纪的忧虑 :与虚无主义相遭遇 ……………………………(257) 三在一个危机四伏的时代 ,哲学何为 …………………………(260) 第十一章在生命之爱中的肯定 ……………………………………(264) 一生命的叩问与**肯定 ………………………………………(264) 二上帝死了 :形而上学走进了虚无 ……………………………(265) 三权力意志的自我游戏 …………………………………………(271) 四生命之意义 :让快乐热望永恒 ………………………………(276) 五谱系学家 :生命肯定中热情的灵魂史 ………………………(280) 第十二章存在之追思 ………………………………………………(285) 一海德格尔的哲学之问 …………………………………………(285) 二存在之澄明 :对人生在世的分析 ……………………………(287) 三听命于存在之邀请 ……………………………………………(293) 四现代技术之本质的追问 ……………………………………… (304) 五克服形而上学 …………………………………………………(312) 第十三章主体之悼亡 ………………………………………………(319) 一从 “上帝死了冶到 “人之死冶 ………………………………(319) 二知识轴线 :知识考古学 ………………………………………(324) 三权力轴线 :权力系谱学 ………………………………………(332) 四一位新型档案员的启示 ………………………………………(338) 结语哲学的展望 一将爱智慧进行到底 :从 “爱智慧冶到 “思冶 ………………(347) 二哲学的范式 :从科学范式到人文学范式 ……………………(350) 三哲学主题 :人的类生命与类哲学 ……………………………(353) 附录游离的片断 附录一 :光源隐喻与哲学的叙事模式 ………………………………(359) 附录二 :镜子隐喻与哲学转向三题 …………………………………(371) 附录三 :哲学为何在古希腊诞生 ……………………………………(382) 附录四 :澄明的阶梯 :从真 “人冶到真 “物冶 ……………………(394) 参考文献 ………………………………………………………………(409) **版后记 ……………………………………………………………(418) 第二版后记 …………………………………………………………… (419) CONTENTS PREFACES Preface by Prof. Qin -HaiGao : PHILOSOPHY IN HISTORY, AND MAN IN HISTORY …………………………………………(1) Preface by the Author: INVISIBLE DOOR ………………………… (1) INTRODUCTION ANSWER THE QUESTION: WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY 1. Philosophy is an Eternal Inquiry ………………………………(3) 2. Philosophy is " Useless" ………………………………………(6) 3. Philosophy is the non -Constancy of Thought ………………(8) 4. Philosophy is the " Living" Soul of Civilization ………………(10) 5. Philosophy is the Vision of Love Wisdom ……………………(14) 6. Philosophy is a Breakthrough in the Way of Thinking ………(16) 7. Philosophy is a Response to the Difficulty of Loving Wisdom …………………………………………………(20) 8. Philosophy is " Love Wisdom to the End" in Times of Crisis …………………………………………………… (31) PART ONE THE THREE SOURCES OF PHILOSOPHY AND NARRATIVE METAPHORS CHAPTER ONE THREE ORIGINS OF PHILOSOPHICALTHINKING: INDIA, GREECE AND CHINA ………………………………………………………(39) 1. Tower to the Sky, Tower of Babel …………………………………(39) 2. Enlightenment on the Indian River ………………………………(44) 3. Rational Dialogue in Greek City -States …………………………(49) 4. Chinese Philosophy: Wisdom of Practice …………………………(55) 5. Back to the Primitive, Back to the Home of Philosophy ………… (59) CHAPTER TWO METAPHOR OF LIGHT SOURCE IN PHILOSOPHY AND NARRATIVE OF LIGHT (PART ONE) ………………………(62) 1. Philosophy and the Narrative Mode of Light ………………………(62) 2. The Real World Became a Fable …………………………………(67) 3. The Invitation of Schopenhauer : Accept the Baptism of Ancient Indian Wisdom ……………………………………………(70) 4. Confession of Nietzsche : to Be a Disciple of the Greek Dionysus ……………………………………………………(73) 5. The Meeting Between Heidegger and Chinese Taoism …………… (79) CHAPTER THREE METAPHOR OF LIGHT SOURCE IN PHILOSOPHY AND NARRATIVE OF LIGHT (PART TWO) ………………………(87) 1. Light of Hope and Purgatory of Philosophers ……………………(87) 2. Illumination and the Christian Concept of God ……………………(94) 3. The Way to Kant: the Intellectual Path to the Light ……………(102) 4. Spreading Light and the Light Narrative of Enlightenment Philosophy ………………………………………………………… (111) CHAPTER FOUR THE MIRROR METAPHOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND ITS NARRATIVE MODE ………………………………………………(117) 1. Philosophy in the Mirror and Mirror in Philosophy ………………(117) 2. The Mirror Metaphor of Philosophy and the Narrative of Philosophical Reflection on Science ……………………………… (120) 3.Mind Mirror and Mind Concept: an Abstract Mirror Model ………(125) 4. Model Collapse: the Idea of Breaking Through the Mirror. ………(134) 5. The Question of Knowledge: Knowledge of Zhuang -Tzu and Wittgenstein's cannot be Said …………………………………… (142) PART TWO THE INTELLECTUAL PARADIGM OF PHILOSOPHY CHAPTER FIVE THE INTELLECTUAL DREAM OF PHILOSOPHY ……………(151) 1. Devote to Philosophy For the Love of Wisdom ……………………(151) 2. The Meaning of Loving Wisdom …………………………………(153) 3. The Way of Philosophy: the Direction of Intellectual Form ………(154) 4. The Dream of the Love of Wisdom: Being, Knowledge and Logic … (156) CHAPTER SIX THE DEATH OF SOCRATES AND THE QUESTION OF WISDOM ……………………………………………………………(162) 1. Philosopher Who Suffer For the Love of Wisdom …………………(162) 2. Socrates Asks Questions of Wisdom in His Dialogues ……………(165) 3. Plato's Philosophical Vision ………………………………………(168) 4. Argument From Isidor Feinstein Stone ……………………………(173) 5. Living life and Living Wisdom …………………………………… (177) CHAPTER SEVEN THE KING OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DICHOTOMY OF THE WORLD ………………………………………………………(183) 1. The Substance and Power of Philosophy …………………………(183) 2. Why does Plato Banish the Poets …………………………………(188) 3. Caves: the World in Caves and a Look Through Them …………(194) 4. Philosophy's Return of the King ……………………………………(201) 5. How did Plato Begin the Philosophy ……………………………… (205) CHAPTER EIGHT LOVE OF WISDOM AND THE GENEALOGY OF ACADEMIC EXPLORATION ……………………………………………………(210) 1. How does loving wisdom become a systematic academic exploration …………………………………………………………(210) 2. The power of logic and the power of thought ……………………(217) 3. First philosophy: metaphysics …………………………………… (223) CHAPTER NINE EVOLUTION OF PARADIGM OF THE LOVING WISDOM …(233) 1.The ‘paradigm of loving wisdom爷 and the history of metaphysics ………………………………………………………(233) 2. Love of wisdom and the peak of metaphysics ……………………(240) 3. Philosophy: where for returning , where for back ……………… (244) PART THREE LET US LOVE WISDOM TO THE END CHAPTER TEN PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHTS IN A TIME OF CRISIS ………(251) 1. The end of the philosophy of the ‘paradigm ofloving wisdom爷 ……………………………………………………(251) 2. The 21th century's care ……………………………………………(255) 3. what is philosophy for in a time of crisis ………………………… (258) CHAPTER ELEVEN AFFIRMATION OF THE LOVE OF LIFE ………………………(262) 1. Inquiry and absolute affirmation of life ……………………………(262) 2. God is dead: metaphysics goes into nothingness …………………(263) 3. Selfgame of will to power …………………………………………(269) 4. The meaning of life: let happiness desire eternal …………………(274) 5. Genealogist: the history of the passionate soul in the affirmation of life ………………………………………………… (278) CHAPTER TWELVE THE REMEMBRANCE OF BEING ………………………………(283) 1. Philosophical Questions from Heidegger …………………………(283) 2. Clarity of Being: an Analysis of Being -in -the -World ………(285) 3. At the Invitation of Being …………………………………………(291) 4. Questions about the Nature of Modern Technology ………………(302) 5. Overcome the Metaphysics ………………………………………… (310) CHAPTER THIRTEENL THE MOURNING OF THE SUBJECT ……………………………(317) 1. From God is Dead to Man is Dead ………………………………(317) 2. Axis of Knowledge: Archaeology of Knowledge …………………(322) 3. Axis of Power: Genealogy of Power ………………………………(330) 4. Inspiration for a New Type of Archivist ………………………… (336) CONCLUSION FUTURE PROSPECT OF PHILOSOPHY 1.From Loving Wisdom to Thinking …………………………………(345) 2. Paradigm of Philosophy: From Scientific Paradigm to Humanities Paradigm ………………………………………………(348) 3. Philosophical Theme: Human Life and Philosophy ……………… (351) APPENDIX FOUR FRAGMENTS OF PAPERS Appendix 1 Metaphor of Light Source and Narrative Mode of Philosophy ……………………………………………………… (357) Appendix 2 Mirror Metaphor and Philosophical Turn …………… (369) Appendix 3 Why was Philosophy Born in Ancient Greece ……… (380) Appendix 4 The Ladder of Clarity: From True People to True Things ………………………………………………………… (392) BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………… (408) AFTERWOODS ……………………………………………………… (417)



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