There are,for example,a series of rights and duties implied into contracts of agen-cy,employment and tenancy.Under a contract of employment,an employer owes animplied duty to take reasonable care for the safety of his employees,not to endanger theemployees’health and not to require the employees to do any unlawful act;and an em-ployee owes a duty to show good faith,to obey lawful and reasonable instructions,andnot to act against the employer’s interest.
(3)Customary Implied Terms
A contract may be subj ect to customary terms not specifically mentioned by the par-ties.However,customary terms will not be implied if the express terms of the contractreveal that the parties had a contrary intention.
3.Exemption Clauses
Many large companies and public authorities impose conditions in their contractsexempting or excluding themselves from liability for torts,particularly negligence,ari-sing from contracts.The rules applicable in such situations may be summarized as fol-lows:
(1)An exemption clause can be incorporated in the contract by signature,by noticeor by course of dealing:
a.Where the terms are signed,the parties are bound as a general rule even if theplaintiff has not read it;
b.The inserter of exemption clauses must do all that is reasonability necessary tothe notice of the person subject to the clause or to draw his attention to it;
c.The conditions must be brought to the notice of the offeree either before or at thesame time when the contract is made;
d.An exemption clause printed on a receipt is not an integral part of the contract.
(2)The party who wishes to rely on an exemption clause must show that theb reach and loss are covered by the clause.If there is any doubt as to the scope of an ex-emption clause,it will be construed under the following rules:
a.The contra proferentem rule If there is any ambiguity or room for doubt as tothe meaning of an exemption clause,it will be construed against
…… 随着我国入世和改革开放程度不断加大,越来越多的外资进入中国市场,越来越多的中国企业走出**寻找商机。无论是迎进来,还是走出去,这些企业所面临的一个共同问题就是法律问题。而这些法律问题中的大多数又都属于涉外法律的工作范畴。由于法律文化、法律条款的差异,中外双方在合作过程中不可避免地会出现许多矛盾分歧·减少、化解这些矛盾分歧需要沟通谈判,甚至需要通过法律手段来解决问题。所有这些工作都需要法律工作者通过专业外语完成。因此,在国际化趋势日见凸显的今天,掌握专业外语已经成为法律人**的职业素质。