**章旅游策划的基本概念 Chapter 1Basic concepts of tourism planning**节旅游策划的相关概念辨析/4 Analysis of related concepts of tourism planning第二节旅游策划的范畴与方法/12 Scopes and methods of tourism planning第三节国内研究基本现状/16 Basic status of domestic research 19 第二章旅游策划的基本原理 Chapter 2Basic principles of tourismplanning**节以市场需求为导向/20 Guided by market demand第二节以资源评价为基础/27 Based on resource assessment第三节以项目策划为灵魂/37 Taking project planning as the soul第四节以政策法规为保障/38 Protected by policies and regulations第五节以工程技术为支撑/41 Supported by engineering technology45 第三章旅游策划的条件及环境分析