英语影视视听说教程(2 学生用书 修订版)/新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材

英语影视视听说教程(2 学生用书 修订版)/新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材

  • 作者:李超 蒋晖 戴炜栋
  • 出版社:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544646611
  • 出版日期:2018年06月01日
  • 页数:320
  • 定价:¥58.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《英语影视视听说教程(2 学生用书 修订版)/新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材》的编写以建构主义理论为指导思想,提倡学生在真实的语言环境中学习,鼓励学生和他人协作。《英语影视视听说教程(2 学生用书 修订版)/新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材》充分体现了以学生为**,教师运用适当的语料指导学生完成精心设计的学习任务。教材在编写上始终坚持主题教学法、任务教学法、交际法等教学理念,以视频、音频形式贯穿教材始终,引导学生在真实的语言环境中思考和解决问题。
    Unit 1 Friendship
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: Friends
    2. Movie Clip I1: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Saln
    1. Lifetime Friendship
    2. How the Americans View Friendship
    3. How to Heal a Friendship
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    PART Vl Self-access Learning

    Unit 2 Financial Intelligence
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: Confessions ofa Shopaholic
    2. Movie Clip II“ Brewster's Millions
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Money in Your Pocket
    2. Paying Closer Attention to Personal Finance
    3. Online Money Management Sites Cater to Young Savers
    a. Eight Concepts That Can Help Graduates to Save Money
    5. Economic Education
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Ten False Ideas on Personal Financial Management
    PART VI Self-access Learnina

    Unit 3 Etiquette
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip h The Princess Diaries
    2. Movie Clip I1: Pride and Prejudice
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Superstitious Etiquette
    2. Bad Manners Mean Bad Coffee
    3. On Etiquette
    4. How to Correct Other People's Grammar
    5. Touching Someone
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Business Etiquette
    PART VI Self-access Learning

    Unit 4 Cyberculture
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: The Social Network
    2. Movie Clip I1: You've GotMail
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. What's WeChat?
    2. Nearly Half of All Video Gamers Are Women
    3. New Digital Library to Display World on the Internet
    4. Using a Mobile Phone to Improve Mother and Child Health
    5. Google
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Connecting Globally
    PART VI Self-access Learnino

    Unit 5 Vacations
    PART I Lead-inJo8
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: Couples Retreat
    2. Movie Clip I1: 1ViadagascarII
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. On Vacation
    2. Where Do Americans Go on Summer Vacation?
    3. More Americans Planning to Spend Less on Travel This Year
    4. Europeans Enjoy the Longest Vacations
    5. Account of My Travels
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    How I Spent My Winter Vacation
    PART VI Self-access Learning

    Unit 6 Explorations
    PART I Lead-in. 13o
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: National Treasure: Book of Secrets
    2. Movie Clip I1: Rio
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Sleep Science: The Mystery of Dreams and Dreaming
    2. Charles Darwin
    3. The Pop Revolution
    4. Naked Science: Super Volcano
    5. Exploring the Titanic
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    What Makes Us Intelligent?
    PART VI Self-access Learning

    Unit 7 Environmental Protection
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: An Inconvenient Truth
    2. Movie Clip II: TheAge of Stupid
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Wind Power to Lead Growth in Renewable Energies
    2. Importance of Biodiversity
    3. Carbon Offsetting
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Recycling Helps, but It's Not All You Can Do for the Environment
    PART VI Self-access Learning

    Unit 8 Culture Shocks
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: The Joy Luck Club
    2. Movie Clip I1: The Gua Sha Treatment
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Four Steps of Culture Shock
    2. What Causes Culture Shock?
    3. Teaching Overseas
    4. Culture Contrast
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Culture Shock: Schools in the U.S. and Japan
    PART VI Self-access Learnincl

    Unit 9 Dreams
    PART I Leacl-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: The American Dream
    2. Movie Clip II: Spider-Man 2
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Lucid Dream
    2. Hallucination
    3. Morpheus
    4. Decoding the Meaning of Your Dreams
    5. The Meaning of Colors in Dreams
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    Upper Bound
    PART VI Self-access Learning

    Unit 10 Beliefs
    PART I Lead-in
    PART II Understanding Movie Clips
    1. Movie Clip I: The Shawshank Redemption
    2. Movie Clip II: The Pursuit of Happyness
    PART III Interactive Activities
    PART IV Cultural Salon
    1. Faith Is All That Some Evacuees Have
    2. Obama Says Religious Faith Sustains Him amid Challenges
    3. I Believe
    4. A Story about Expressing Faith in America
    PART V Supplementary Reading
    The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
    PART VI Self-access Learning
    Appendix: Scripts of Movie Clips I and II



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