

  • 作者:王崇义 蒋洪新
  • 出版社:复旦大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787309122886
  • 出版日期:2016年07月01日
  • 页数:171
  • 定价:¥32.00
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    Throughout our college career and social life,in fact,we need to write a variety of summaries now and then.Some will be routine,such as the summary of a single brief essay; others will be more complex.In any case,we need a workable method that can help us create a polished summary with the most efficient use of our time and energy.The following steps may help us save much time and frustration:
    (1)Reading the given material through for the general idea the first time.
    (2)Rereading it with a pen or pencil,underlining or making notes of the main ideas to help increase our comprehension and grasp of the main ideas and the essential information of the original work,
    (3)Writing out a one—sentence paraphrase of the central idea of the whole work,which serves as an umbrella for everything that should be included in the summary.
    (4)Making a list of all the main points that have been underlined or made notes of,following their order in the original.
    (5)Writing a rough draft,based only on the list and on the portions we have underlined or made notes of,paraphrasing where possible.
    (6)Going over the rough draft for content revision,making sure that no important point of the original work has been left out and nothing ofour own has been added.
    (7)Restating the ideas and information of the draft in our own style and language,avoiding copying down sentences from the original,making the summary a miniature essay which expresses the ideas of the author not just succinctly but also smoothly and clearly.
    Chapter One Essay Writing
    1.1 The Basic Structure of an Essay
    1.1.1 The Introduction of an Essay
    1.1.2 The Body ofan Essay
    1.1.3 The Conclusion of an Essay
    1.2 Types of Essays
    1.2.1 Narrative Essays
    1.2.2 Descriptive Essays
    1.2.3 Expositive Essays
    1.2.4 Argumentative Essays
    1.3 The Process of Writing an Essay
    1.4 Evaluation of an Essay
    1.5 Sample Essays and Discussions

    Chapter Two Letter Writing
    2.1 Addressing an Envelope
    2.2 The Format/Lay-out of a Letter
    2.2.1 The Heading
    2.2.2 The Date
    2.2.3 The Salutation
    2.2.4 The Body
    2.2.5 The Complimentary Close
    2.2.6 The Signature
    2.3 Personal Letter Writing
    2.3.1 Family Letter Writing
    2.3.2 Friendly Letter Writing
    2.4 Social Letter Writing
    2.4.1 Informal Social Letter Writing
    2.4.2 Formal Social Letter Writing

    Chapter Three Note Writing
    3.1 Major Differences Between a Standard Letter and a Note
    3.2 The Format of a Note
    3.3 The Content of a Note
    3.4 The Language of a Note
    3.5 Points to Keep in Mind When Writing a Note

    Chapter Four Business Letter Writing
    4.1 The Importance of Business Letter Writing
    4.2 The Format / Layout of a Business Letter
    4.2.1 The Heading and the Date
    4.2.2 The Inside Address
    4.2.3 The Salutation
    4.2.4 The Body
    4.2.5 The Complimentary Close
    4.2.6 The Signature :
    4.3 Sample Business Letters for Various Purposes
    4.4 Evaluation of a Business Letter

    Chapter Five Miscellaneous Practical Writing
    5.1 Application Letter and Resume Writing
    5.1.1 Request Letter Writing
    5.1.2 Application Letter Writing
    5.1.3 Resume Writing
    5.2 E-mail Writing
    5.2.1 The Structure of an E-mail Message
    5.2.2 Tips to Good E-mail Communication
    5.3 Summary Writing
    5.3.1 Points to Keep in Mind When Writing a Summary
    5.3.2 Steps Taken in Writing a Summary
    5.3.3 A Sample Summary
    5.4 Book Report Writing
    5.4.1 The Content and Structure of a Book Report
    5.4.2 Points to Keep in Mind When Writing a Book Report
    5.5 Diagrammatic Information Description
    5.5.1 Forms of Diagrams
    5.5.2 The Content of a Diagrammatic Description
    5.5.3 Steps Taken in Describing the Information of a Diagram
    5.5.4 Some Useful Expressions in Diagrammatic Description
    5.5.5 Sample Articles of Diagrammatic Description

    Appendix Ⅰ Key to Exercises
    Appendix Ⅱ Correction Symbols
    Appendix Ⅲ The Fifty States of the U.S.A. and Their Abbreviations
    Appendix Ⅳ Writing Terms
    Appendix Ⅴ Useful Expressions, Idioms, Proverbs, and Famous Sayings.



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