ART 1Context Clues
Efficient reading requires the use of various problem-solving skills.For example,it is impossible for you to know the exact meaning of every word you read,but by developing your guessing ability,you will be able to understandenough to arrive at the total meaning of a sentence,a paragraph,or an essay.These exercises are designed to help you improve your ability to guess themeaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues.(Context clues refer to thesentence and the Paragraph in which a word occurs.)In using the context todecide on the meaning of a word,you have to use your knowledge of grammar andyour understanding of the author'S ideas.Although there is no formula which voucan memorize to improve your ability to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words,you should keep the following points in mind:
1.Use the meanings of other words in the sentence or paragraph and themeaning of the sentence as a whole to reduce the number of possible meanings.
2.Use grammar and punctuation clues which point to the relationships amongthe various parts of the sentence.
3.Use your general or common knowledge of the world.
4.Be satisfied with a general idea about the unfamiliar word;the exactdefinition or synonym is not always necessary.
5.Learn to recognize situations in which it is not necessary to know themeanings of the word. Each of the sentences in this sample contains a blank in order to encourageyou to look only at the context provided as you try to determine the possiblemeanings of the missing word.Read each sentence and supply a word for eachblank.You must use context clues to help you provide a word which is suitable interms of grammar and meaning.
1.I removed the--from the shelf and began to read.
2.Bob is a thief;he would--the gold from his grandmother'S teeth andnot feel guilty.
3.Our uncle was a,an incurable wanderer who could never stay in oneplace.
4.Unlike his brother,who is trul
…… 阅读对于学习语言的重要性是不言而喻的。古人有言,“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,指的就是阅读对掌握语言、提高写作能力所起的作用。另一说“读万卷书,行万里路”,也包含着类似的意思。至于“青灯黄卷”、“寒窗苦读”,则除了倡导发愤学习,还说明了对大量阅读的重视。