CHAPTER 1 Usability of Interactive Systems 4 1.1 Introduction 6 1.2 Usability Goals and Measures 13 1.3 Usability Motivations 15 1.4 Goals for Our Profession 20
CHAPTER 2 Universal Usability 34 2.1 Introduction 36 2.2 Variations in Physical Abilities and Physical Workplaces 37 2.3 Diverse Cognitive and Perceptual Abilities 39 2.4 Personality Differences 40 2.5 Cultural and International Diversity 41
紧跟人机交互变革的脚步很困难。本书每一版刚出版不久,更新的要求就接踵而至。该领域的扩展促使本书前三版的作者Ben Shneiderman求助于其长期、重要的研究伙伴Catherine Plaisant,以合著本书的第四版和第五版。此外,Maxine S. Cohen和Steven M. Jacobs对本书的早期版本有长期的教学经验,他们为所有读者和教师提供了提高书的内容质量的新观点。