

  • 作者:戴维
  • 出版社:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302371274
  • 出版日期:2014年08月01日
  • 页数:474
  • 定价:¥68.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





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    Preface1 International Trade 1.1 International Trade Growth 1.2 International Trade Mile-stones 1.3 Largest Exporting and Importing Countries 1.4 International Trade Drivers 1.5 International Trade Theories 1.6 The International Business Environment2 International Supply Chain Man-agement 2.1 Historical Development 2.2 Logistics and Supply Chain Management 2.3 Elements of International Logistics 2.4 The Economic Importance ofLogistics 2.5 International Reverse Logistics3 International Infrastructure 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Transportation Infrastructure 3.3 Communication Infrastructure 3.4 Utilities Infrastructure 3.5 Services Infrastructure 3.6 Legal and Regulatory Infrastructure4 International Methods of Entry 4.1 Entry Strategy Factors 4.2 Indirect Exporting 4.3 ActiveExporting 4.4 Production Abroad 4.5 Parallel Imports 4.6 Counterfeit Goods 4.7 Other Issues in Methods of Entry5 International Contracts 5.1 Lex Mercatoria 5.2 International Sales ContractsandtheCISG 5.3 Agency versus Distributor-shipLegalIssues 5.4 Elements ofan Agency or Distributor Contract 5.5 Termination 5.6 Arbitration 5.7 Mediation6 Terms of Trade or Incoterms Rules 6.1 International CommerceTerms 6.2 Understanding Incoterms Rules 6.3 Incoterms Rule Strategy 6.4 Ex-Works(EXW) 6.5 Free Carrier (FCA) 6.6 CarriagePaidTo(CPT) 6.7 Carriage and Insurance PaidTo(CIP) 6.8 Delivered At Terminal (DAT) 6.9 Delivered At Place (DAP) 6.10 Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) 6.11 Free Alongside Ship (FAS) 6.12 Free on Board (FOB) 6.13 Cost and Freight (CFR) 6.14 Cost, Insurance, and Freight(CIF) 6.15 Summary of Incoterms. Re-sponsibilities 6.16 Common Errors in Incoterms. Rules Usage 6.17 Incoterms Rules as a MarketingTool7 Terms of Payment 7.1 International Payment Characteristics 7.2 Alternative Terms of Payment 7.3 Risks in International Trade 7.4 CashinAdvance 7.5 OpenAccount 7.6 LetterofCredit 7.7 Additional Types of Letters of Credit 7.8 Documentary Collection 7.9 Forfaiting 7.10 Purchasing Cards 7.11 TradeCard 7.12 Bank Guarantees 7.13 Terms of Payment as a Mar-ketingTool8 Managing Transaction Risks 8.1 Currency Used in the Sales Contract 8.2 The System of Currency ExchangeRates 8.3 Theories of Exchange Rate Determinations 8.4 Exchange Rate Forecasting 8.5 Managing Transaction Exposure 8.6 International Banking Institutions 8.7 Currency of Payment as a Marketing Tool9 International Commercial Documents 9.1 Documentation Requirements 9.2 Invoices 9.3 Export Documents 9.4 ImportDocuments 9.5 Transportation Documents 9.6 ElectronicDataInterchange 9.7 Document Preparation as a MarketingTool11 International Ocean Transportation 11.1 Types of Service 11.2 Size of Vessels 11.3 Types of Vessels 11.4 Flag 11.5 Liability Conventions 11.6 Non-Vessel-Operating CommonCarriers 11.7 Security Requirements12 International Air Transportation 12.1 Cargo Airlines, Airports, and Markets 12.2 Types of Service 12.3 Types of Aircraft 12.4 AirfreightTariffs 12.5 International Regulations 12.6 Environmental Issues and Sustainability 12.7 International Air Cargo Security13 International Land and Multimodal Transportation 13.1 Truck Transportation 13.2 Rail Transportation 13.3 Intermodal Transportation 13.4 Freight Forwarders 13.5 Project Cargo 13.6 Alternative Means of Transportation 13.7 Ground Transportation Security14 Packaging for Export 14.1 Packaging Functions 14.2 Packaging Objectives 14.3 OceanCargo 14.4 AirTransport 14.5 Road and Rail Transport 14.6 Security 14.7 Hazardous Cargo 14.8 Refrigerated Goods 14.9 Domestic Retail Packaging Issues 14.10 Packaging as a Marketing Tool15 International Logistics Security 15.1 The Impact of a Significant Disruption in International Logistics 15.2 International Organizations 15.3 The United States’ Approach 15.4 The European Union’s Programs 15.5 Other Countries’ Approach 15.6 Corporate Efforts16 Customs Clearance 16.1 Duty 16.2 Non-Tariff Barriers 16.3 Customs Clearing Process 16.4 Foreign Trade Zones17 Developing a Competitive Advantage 17.1 Communication Challenges 17.2 International English 17.3 Special English 17.4 Metric System 17.5 Cultural Sensitivity 17.6 Specific Advice



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外