The C0nCCDt 0f learner autonomy has been around for a few years and even become abuzzword within the context of language learning.Unfortunately,however,it has also beenmisundcrst00d as being no more than self-instruction.While it may be true that learners whoarC ablc to foilow a path of self-instruction successfully may have acquired a high degree of1carncr autonomy,it is also true that self-instruction often fails to provide successful results.Somc als0 assumc that learner autonomy in the classroom means that the teacher transfers allC0ntr01 t0 thc learncrs and thus becomes a redundant part ofthe learning process.Consequently,1carnCr autonon、V is often described as a new methodology.However,while the teacher mayplay a major part in developing autonomy in the learners,this certainly cannot be programm'din anyway.
In DaVid Littlc's WOrds&"autonomy is a capacity-for detachment,critical reflection,decision-makine and independent action.It presupposes,but also entails,that the learner willdevel0P a particular kind of psychological relation to the process and content of his learning.ThC CaDaCity for autonomy will be displayed both in thC waY thc learner learns and in thc waYhc 0r shc transfers what has been learned to wider contexts&".I will try to elaborate briefly twoof several idcas that wcrc used to explore the concept of learner autonomy:George Kelly'stheoW 0f personal C.nstructs and the work of the Russian psychologist Vgotsky and his Vicwthat mcntal abilities are determined by social relationships.
In his thC0ry 0f personal constructs,Kelly points to the fact that&"different men construe[thc unlVcrsC]in different ways…Some ofthe alternative ways ofconstruing arC be~er adaptedt0 man's purposes than Others.Thus,man comes to understand his world through an infinitesCrics 0fsuccessive approximations&".This process ofconstruing the world is never complete,butrather a&"continuous process of hypothesis-testing and theory-revision&",an ongoing processotadiustmcnt and adaptation.When these adjustments to the learner's Vicw of the world require0nlv fCw Changcs in the underlying personal constructs,learning will take place easily andWithout major complications.If,however,these adjustments present a major restructuring ot thcundCrlying pcrsonal constructs,learning will be difficult or even painful.