

  • 作者:李霄翔
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040360660
  • 出版日期:2012年12月01日
  • 页数:132
  • 定价:¥49.50
  • 猜你也喜欢





    本书每个单元添加了两个视频素材,并且在内容上与本单元主题保持一致。将视频素材融入听说教材中,为教学活动的设计,特别是为视听说交际技能的相互转换和提升,做出了有效的铺垫。 大学体验英语听说教程-2-第三版-(附自学光盘)_李霄翔_高等教育_
    UNIT 1 Introductions"You'll really like him."
    Warm Up:Introductions
    Listening Task:Introductions in different situations
    Real World Listening:Jean,Alicia,and Robert meet at a cafe
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Course selection /Video 2 Asking for advice
    Interaction Link:Meet the class
    UNIT 2 Personality"What do you like about him?"
    Warm Up:Personality
    Listening:Task:Question about egple
    Real World Listening:Personality quiz
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Talking about friends/Video 2 Talking about one's family
    Interaction Link:lt's a match
    UNIT 3 Home"The view is great."
    Warm Up:Housing
    Listening Task:Talking
    Real World Listening:Hye Jun looks for a place to live
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Hunting for a flat/2 Visiting a room in a shared apartment
    Interaction Link:My place
    UNIT 4 Technology"How does it work?"
    Warm Up:Technology functions
    Listening Task:Complaining about technology
    Real World Listening:Zack Newton on Techworld
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 A new shampoo /Video 2 A new gadget
    Interaction Link:What does it do?
    UNIT 5 Nationalities"All around the world"
    Warm Up:Experiences in other countries
    Listening Task:Talking about different cultures
    Real World Listening:Leath and Hannah talk about Zambia
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Travel in Africa(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Travel in Africa(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:Travel survey
    UNIT 6 Identity"What's your number?"
    Warm Up:Personal questions
    Listening Taskt:Keeping information private
    ReaI Word Listening:Catherine meets Chip at a party
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Meeting someone friends chatting about a classmate
    Interaction Link:That's kind of personal!
    Eeview Unit 1 (UNITS 1—5)
    UNIT 7 Family"I really take after my dad."
    Warm Up:Kinship terms
    Listening:Task:Talking about tamily relationships
    Real World Listening:Jane,her parents,and what they have in common
    Interactive Practice:'Video 1 Talking about one's parents/Video 2 Talking about their parents
    Interaction Link:Something in common
    UNIT 8 Directions"Are you lost?"
    Warm Up:Directions
    Listening Task:Looking for famous places
    Real World Listening:Paula talks about Istanbul
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Directions /Video 2 Asking for directions
    Interaction Link:Where in the world?
    UNIT 9 Jobs"The benefits are great!"
    Warm Up:Job features
    Listening Task:Talking about first jobs
    Real World Listening:Sandy and jennifer at a job interview
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Comparing twoapplicants for a job /Video 2 Talking about job interviews
    Interaction Link:What's my job?
    UNIT 10 Style"It means a lot to me."
    Warm Up:Accessories
    Listening Task:Talking about what accessories mean
    Real World Listening:Commitment bracelets
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Dressed up for a party /Video 2 Strange fashion
    Interaction Link:lt's special because
    Eeview Unit 2 (UNITS 6—10)
    UNIT 11 Travel"They lost my luggage!"
    Warm Up:Travel obstacles
    Listening Task:Dealing with travel problems
    Real World Listening:Trevor talks about a bad trip
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Travel(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Travel(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:What would you do?
    UNIT 12 Food"What's for dinner?"
    Warm Up:Tastes and textures
    Listening Task:Favorite foods
    Real World Listening:Maw—Maw's Cajun kitchen!
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Food(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Food(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:What do you eat?
    UNIT 13 Schedules"I'll pencil it in."
    Warm Up:Phone tag
    Listening Task:Talking about busy schedules
    Real World Listening:Pink on tour in Asia
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Schedules(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Schedules(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:My schedule
    UNIT 14 Weather"1t's raining cats and dogs."
    Warm Up:Seasons
    Listening Task:Weather forecasts
    Real World Listening:Alex talks to his grandmother about Alaska
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Weather(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Weather(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:The best time of the year
    UNIT 15 Lifestyle"It's so convenient."
    Warm Up:City,suburbs,and countryside
    Listening Task:Talking about locations
    Real World Listening:Julie Morris and Fernando Martinez on Gemini One
    Interactive Practice:Video 1 Lifestyle(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Lifestyle(Ⅱ)
    Interaction Link:Private island
    Eeview Unit 3 (UNITS 11—15)
    Self—Study Pages
    Self—Study Pages Answer Key
    New Words and Expressions



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外