①n. 价值,地位,重要性
【真题再现】Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? [2006年翻译]
②take something into account = take account of 把…考虑在内
【真题再现】Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline, which future management efforts must take into account. [2006年阅读Text3]
③account for解释,说明,占…比例
【真题再现】What might account for this strange phenomenon? [2007年阅读Text1]
【真题再现】As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. [2003年阅读Text3]
**节 词缀记忆
accelerate v. 加快,促进(ac-加强,celer-速度,ate放在词尾表示动词à加速度à加快,促进)
accent?口音;重音 (ac加强,一再, cent-唱→着重唱→重音)
accept v.接受;同意,认可(ac-加强,cept-拿à拿来à接受)
access n. 进入;入口(ac-加强,cess-走à走进去à进入)
accessible能接近的;可进去的 (access[n.接近;入口 v.存取, 接近]+ible能……的→adj.能接近的;可进去的)
successive连续的,继承的 (suc随后+cess行走,前进+ive……的→随后跟上→连续的)
success成功;胜利 (suc随后+cess行走,前进→随后跟上→继续→继续做→成功)
recession撤退;交还 (re回+cess行走,前进+ion动作或状态→走回去→撤退)
Acclaim v. 欢呼;称赞(ac-加强,claim-喊叫à用劲喊叫à欢呼)
accompany v. 陪同,伴随;为…伴奏(ac-加强,company伙伴à陪伴)