

  • 作者:杨惠中
  • 出版社:上海外语教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787544626217
  • 出版日期:2012年05月01日
  • 页数:336
  • 定价:¥63.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    1 All About Me
    Topic Introductions and relationships
    Vocabulary Relationships and life events
    Functions Informal and formal introductions
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking The people in my life
    Vocabulary Link: Talking about relationships
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Reduction of present continuous-ing ending
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Special people and memories
    Global Viewpoints: Special people
    City Living: A favorite keepsake
    2 Express Yourself!
    Topic Expressing feelings through words and gestures
    Vocabulary Feelings; gestures
    Functions Asking how someone is
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Feelings
    Vocabulary Link: How do they feel?
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Linking sounds with's
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Feelings and emotions
    Global Viewpoints: Feelings and emotions
    Greetings around the world
    City Living: An important rule for traveling
    3 Let's Eat!
    Topic Food
    Vocabulary Adjectives describing foods; eating in a restaurant
    Functions Offering and suggesting
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Foods we like
    Vocabulary Link: Talking about foods
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Sentence stress and rhythm
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Eating out
    Global Viewpoints: Favorite foods
    International foods
    City Living: The spicier the better
    4 Today's Trends
    Topic Modern trends and fashions
    Vocabulary Family statistics-multiples and percentages; style and fashion
    Functions Agreeing and disagreeing; giving advice
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Modern family trends
    Vocabulary Link: Family statistics
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Unstressed of in rapid speech
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Today trends
    Global Viewpoints: Family trends
    Personal style
    City Living: You ought to get more exercise!
    5 Unsolved Mysteries
    Topic Unsolved mysteries
    Vocabulary Crime; mysteries
    Functions Talking about possibility and impossibility
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking A detective is on the case.
    Vocabulary Link: Cops and robbers
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Third person singular in the present tense
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Mysteries and strange events
    Global Viewpoints: Mysteries and strange events
    City Living: Elementary, my dear Tara!
    6 The Mind
    Topic Memory and dreams
    Vocabulary Memory and memories; sleep and dreams
    Functions Expressing degrees of certainty
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking How's your memory?
    Vocabulary Link: College reunion
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: The past tense-ed ending
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-3
    Lesson B Video Course Memory and dreams
    Global Viewpoints: How's your memory?
    Strange dreams
    City Living: Roberto's strange dreams
    7 Let's Celebrate!
    Topic Parties, festivals and holidays
    Vocabulary Types of parties; describing festivals
    Functions Accepting and declining invitations
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Party time!
    Vocabulary Link: Different kinds of parties
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Reduced want to and would you
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Festivals and holidays
    Global Viewpoints: What a party!
    Festivals and holidays
    City Living: Aloha everyone[
    8 In the Neighborhood
    Topic Neighborhood life
    Vocabulary Errands; describing neighborhoods
    Functions Polite requests with modal verbs and mind; imperatives
    Lesson A Listening & Speaking Runing errands
    Vocabulary Link: A busy day
    Listening: Activities 1-5
    Pronunciation: Reduced forms of could you and would you
    Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
    Lesson B Video Course Runing errands in my neighborhood
    Global Viewpoints: Running errands
    My neighborhood
    City Living: Claudia's errand service!
    Review: Units 1-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension
    Review: Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外