

  • 作者:戴斌
  • 出版社:旅游教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787563721726
  • 出版日期:2011年07月01日
  • 页数:397
  • 定价:¥53.00
  • 分享领佣金




    《中国国有饭店的转型与变革研究(英文版)》内容简介:In 1979 China started the policy of reform and opening-up. During thesethirty years of development, the tourism industry has gained valuable experiences in all phases of modernization, industrialization and marketization.However, in the early years, the real focus of the policy was to earn hard currency from the inbound tourists. Today a new strategy has been initiated to develop the three main tourist markets——inbound, outbound and do mesticmarkets. In the early stages
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1. Research Background
    2. Theoretical Framework and Methodology
    3. Research Structure and Major Findings
    Chapter 2 China's State-owned Hotel Industry in the Market-oriented Reform Course
    1. State-owned Hotels: Analysis on Initial Situation under a Threedimension Structure
    2. The Logical Course of SOHs' Market-oriented Reforms
    3. History of SOHs' Market-oriented Reform Course
    4. Evolution of SOHs' Target in the Market Process
    5. The Culture and Economic Impact of SOHs
    Chapter 3 Environment Analysis on China's State-owned Hotel Development
    1. Trends and Influences of Institutional Environment
    2. Changes and Influences of Market Environment and Industrial Relations
    3. A Survey of Employees on Their Orientation towards Reform
    Chapter 4 State-owned Hotel Transformation: Model and Theoretical Framework
    1. Initial Target Defining of State-owned Hotels from the Viewpoint of Contributing Factors
    2. Motivation Mechanism of State-owned Hotels Transformation from the Viewpoint of Environmental Changes
    3. The Nature and Objectives of State-owned Hotel Transformation
    4. Analysis on Macro-Approaches to State-owned Hotel Transformation
    Chapter 5 A Comparative Study on the International State-owned Hotel Transformations
    1. Process of Hospitality Industry Development in DevelopedCountries and Areas
    2. Transition, Transformation and Reformation of Hotels in Developing Countries
    3. Analysis on Developing Features and Supporting Factors of Internationa Hotel Groups
    Chapter 6 A Theory and Transformation of Domestic State-owned Hotels
    1. Industrial Fluctuation Theory in Institutional Transformation of State-owned Hotels
    2. A Study on Transformation Model Involving Property Right Transition
    3. A Study on Transformation Model without Property Right
    Chapter 7 Institutional Innovation in China's State-owned Hotel Transformation
    1. A Study on Property Right Arrangement and Innovation of State-owned Hotels
    2. Corporate Governance and Innovation of State-owned Hotels
    3. A Study on Competitive and Cooperative Framework of State-owned Hotels
    Chapter 8 Transformation Tactics of China's State-owned Hotels & Their Organizational Changes
    1. Transformation Tactics of Government Reception Hotels
    2. Transformation Tactics of Hotels Owned by Giant State-owned Enterprises
    3. A Study on Organizational Changes of State-owned Hotels
    Chapter 9 Case Study: Transformation of the Dongying Hotel(I)
    1. Background
    2. The Introduction of Reform Signals
    3. Reform Goal and Plan
    4. Organizational Development――Behavioral Regulation
    Chapter 10 Case Study: Transformation of the Dongying Hotel(Ⅱ)
    1. Organizational Transformation――Product Innovation
    2. Organizational Transformation――Structural Adjustment
    3. Organizational Transformation――Rebuilding the Incentive and ControllingSystem
    4. Institutional Transformation to Be Accomplished
    Appendix 1 Questionnaire to State-owned Hotel Leaders
    Appendix 2 Questionnaire to Staff in Functional Departments in the Dongying Hotel
    Appendix 3 Questionnaire to Front Office Staff in Dongying Hotel



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外