Now that Billy's parents were a little more affluent, the family had agreed that they could afford better accommodation, so they moved to a cottage on the out skirts of town. Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned, the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights. The day that they moved ,the air was heavy with the advent of spring, a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way; Billy and the old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window, browsing through the family album every now and then. When they arrived, a group of men were unloading the van. Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on their agenda, so hew his tled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure. They found a small foot path ,Rufus showing his excitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail. Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature. The adverse effects of those years in the city seemed to vanish as he walked, and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible. However, he had reck oned without Rufus. They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly, in the next field, they saw sheep. Rufus knew a good game when he saw one, he ran straight into the field, barking aggressively. Just then, a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally agg ressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field. With a sense of alarm, Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw him level it and take aim at Rufus.
"Please don't shoot", yelled Billy, but this seemed to aggravate the man still more, The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony. He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs. The man strode over to Billy.
"Those sheep are pregnant", the man said, angrily. "If you agitate
…… [看更多书摘] 故事是这个世界上让人们喜爱乃至着迷的事物。本书精心挑选了闪烁着智慧之光的各类小故事,妙趣横生,语言地道,涉及文化历史、人物传记、工作和生活等等,几乎涵盖了西方社会生活的方方面面,它们有着曲折生动的情节、栩栩如生的人物、幽默风趣的语言、耐人寻味的寓意。精彩的故事承载美德、智慧和知识。本书将美好的故事和考研词汇有机结合,一个个的单词放在故事情节当中,从而使得记忆与形���思维联系起来,变机械背诵为主动记忆,克服缺乏语境的弊病,大大提高记忆的效率和准确度,既使原本孤立的词汇更为生动、具体,同时也使一个个幽默、风趣的小故事更具可读性,引导我们品味心灵鸡汤,穿越智慧之门,传递给我们善良与美好、知识与成功,相信本书能为您考研助上一臂之力。