A.Decide whether the following statements are true or false.是非判断
1.Advertising is used to increase the sales of a product or service or to promote
a brand name.
2.Informative advertising and persuasive advertising are two basic types of advertising.
3.Although it is not easy to know how effective an advertising is,market
research can be used to measure whether it is successful or not.
4.Advertisements appear on various media such as newspapers,magazines,television,radio and posters.
5.In order to increase the sales of a product or service,advertisers should do their best to attract as many people as possible when designing their campaign.
B.Fill in the blank in each sentence with the appropriate form of the given
word in the bracket.词性转换
1.The goal of the world organization is to raise the standard of sales—— research through publications.(promote)
2.We believe China can——and win in the new century.(competition)
3.I wonder if you are able t0——what she looks like after your 20 years’separation.(imaginary)
4.Examples from both developed and developing countries are used to enhance knowledge of the world——and skills in solving practical problems.(economist)
5.All students were to hand in their student—cards to Mr.Theodore
the next day.(informative)
C.Fill in the blank in each sentence with one of the following expressions in the proper form.选择填空
a variety of。in preparation for,be aimed at,appeal to,according to
1.British intelligence and security services are on high alert——terror attacks in major UK cities following the double assault on London.
2.The magazine—一those young people who are interested in mountain climbing.
3.Today,college students are offered——opportunities to improve themselves in China.
4.The troop level is now at about 20,000,including 1 5,000 Ameri
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