It cannot possibly be denied that such things are true, but their generality can be denied. Emergency conditions are, almost by definition, rare in the normally functioning peaceful society. That this truism can be forgotten is due mainly to two reasons. First, rats have few motivations other than physiological ones, and since so much of the research upon motivation has been made with these animals, it is easy to carry the rat-picture over to the human being. Secondly, it is too often not realized that culture itself is an adaptive tool, one of whose main functions is to make the physiological emergencies come less and less often. In most of the known societies, chronic extreme hunger of the emergency type is rare, rather than common. In any case, this is still true in the United States. The average American citizen is experiencing appetite rather than hunger when he says "I am hungry." He is apt to experience sheer life-and-death hunger only by accident and then only a few times through his entire life.
Obviously a good way to obscure the "higher" motivations, and to get a lopsided view of human capacities and human nature, is to make the organism extremely and chronically hungry or thirsty. Anyone who attempts to make an emergency picture into a typical one, and who will measure all of man's goals and desires by his behavior during extreme physiological deprivation is certainly being blind to many things. It is quite tree that man lives by bread alone--when there is no bread. But what happens to man's desires when there is plenty of bread and when his belly is chronically filled?
At once other (and " higher") needs emerge and these, rather than physiological hungers, dominate the organism. And when these in turn are satisfied, again new (and still" higher" ) 本书辑录的是西方公共行政研究中的一些经典的、有影响的文章。编辑这样一本书出于以下的考虑:首先是这些文章所产生的持久影响,这当中许多是进行行政学研究的必读文章。其次,让我们的学生有机会直接阅读英文原著,以弥补对这些文章片断了解的缺憾。再者,也希望借此提高学生阅读专业英语资料的能力。本书适宜于作为MPA(公共管理硕士)的专业教材,也可以作为大学本科高年级学生以及研究生的专业英语或行政思想理论方面的教材。