

  • 作者:(美)(Eugene D.Jacobson)约翰逊
  • 出版社:人民卫生出版社
  • ISBN:9787117050135
  • 出版日期:2002年01月01日
  • 页数:206
  • 定价:¥57.00
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    Gastrointestinal Physiology, sixth edition, offers the fundamentals in a fast, clear, and concise manner. It provides a basic understanding of how the gastrointestinal system functions in both health and disease. This new sixth edition of Gastrointestinal Physiology is the ideal tool for learning this material!
    Look at these outstanding features:
    ·Clear and accurate coverage of the physiology of the gastrointestinal system, focusing on the needs of the student.
    ·Content on pathophysiology
    Regulation: Peptides Of The Gastrointestinal Trace
    Regulation: Nerves And Smooth Muscle
    Gastric Emptying
    Motility Of The Small Intestine
    Motility Of The Large Intestine
    Gastrointestinal Physiology, sixth edition, offers the fundamentals in a fast, clear, and concise manner. It provides a basic understanding of how the gastrointestinal system functions in both health and disease. This new sixth edition of Gastrointestinal Physiology is the ideal tool for learning this material!
    Look at these outstanding features:
    ·Clear and accurate coverage of the physiology of the gastrointestinal system, focusing on the needs of the student.
    ·Content on pathophysiology throughout the text, serving as a bridge between normal function and disease
    ·An abundance of student friendly tools: boldfaced Key Terms and Concepts, chapter Summaries, and concise References.
    ·A mini-examination at the end of the book, allowing students to prepare for in-class and standardized exams.
    ·Call-outs for Key Words and Concepts in each chapter.
    ·Text enhanced with a wealth of illustrations. Preface
    The first edition of Gastrointestinal Physiology appeared in 1977. It developed as a result of the authors' teaching experiences and the need for a book on gastrointestinal physiology written and designed for medical students and beginning graduate students. This sixth edition is written by the same authors and directed to the same audience. As with any new edition, those involved usually believe that it is significantly better than the previous one. The contributors and I feel strongly that this edition is such an improvement, All chapters contain significant amounts of new material and have been brought up-to-date with current information, without introducing undue amounts of controversy to confuse students. The sixth edition has two added features that we feel will assist students in understanding the material. First, key words now appear in bold type the first time they are defined. Second, a summary of the major concepts is included at the end of each chapter. This is meant to aid the student in organizing his or her thoughts about the material presented. The entire book is still written by the original authors. I am again indebted to them for their ability to transmit their expertise in a lucid and concise manner. Their contributions arrived on schedule, and anyone who has had the experience of editing a volume realizes how rare that is.
    We are all grateful to our own students for pointing out ways to improve the book. Numerous colleagues in other medical schools and professional institutions have added their suggestions and criticisms as well. We are thankful for their interest and help, and we hope that anyone having criticisms of this edition or suggestions for improving future editions will transmit them to us.
    Finally, I thank Ms. Easter Jenkins for typing my own chapters and helping with the communications and organizational work that are a necessary part of such a project.
    Leonard R. Johnson



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