Unit1 Education ls a Key PartⅠ Warming up PartⅡ Educational systems PartⅢ Remarks on modern education PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills Thinking Ahead of the Spdaker—Anticipation Helps Unit2 Language—A Vehicle in Communication PartⅠ Warming up PartⅡ What makes a good or bad student? PartⅢ Some facts about English PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation Unit3 Getting Ready for the Future Career PartⅠ Warming up partⅡ Paingting tor pay PartⅢ Choosing a career PartⅣ Short talks on listening skills You just Can't Remember So much!—Learn to Select,Learn to Simplify Unit4 All Can Succeed PartⅠ Warming up PartⅡ Successful people PartⅢ The work kt Gordon Parks—an internationally known African American ARTIST PartⅣ Language studey and language appreciation Unit5 Shaping and Reshaping Pdrsonality(1) PartⅠ Warming up PartⅡ Self-esteem PartⅢ Balancing work and ramily PartⅣ Language study and language appreciation Unit6 Shaping and Reswhaping Personality(2) Unit7 For the Glory of Sport(1) Unit8 For the Glory of Sport(2) Unit9 Everybody Can Help the Environment Unit10 News(1) Unit11 News(2) Unit12 News(3) Acknowledgements