CHAPTER l Introduaion
1.1 Machine Hardware
l.2 Operating System Structure
l.3 Outline of the Rest of This Book
CHAPTER 2 Process Management
2.l Process Scheduling
2.2 Process State
2.3 Scheduling Criteria
2.4 Scheduling Algorithms
2.5 Scheduling Algorithm Perfomtance
2.6 Process Attributes
2.7 Process Supervisor Calls
CHAPTER 3 Interprocess Communication and Synchrontzation
3.1 Interprocess Communication
3.2 Process Synchronization
3.3 Deadlock
CHAPTER 4 Nemory Management
4.1 Single Absolute Partition
4.2 Single Relocatable Partition
4.3 Multipro
4.4 Multiple Partitions
4.5 Simple Paging
4.6 Simple Segmentation
4.7 Segmentation with Paging
4.8 Page and Segment Tables
4.9 Swapping
4.10 Overlaying
CHAPTER 5 Virtual Hemory
5.1 Demand Pagine
5.2 Segmentation
CHAPTER 6 File System Hanagement
6.1 Directories and Names
6.2 Types of File System Objects
6.3 File System Functions
6.4 Information Types
6.5 File System Architectare
CHAPfER 7 Device Management
7.1 H
7.2 Software Organization
7.3 Devices
CHAPTER 8 Security
8.1 Authentication
8.2 prevention
8.3 Detection
8.4 Correction
8.5 Identification
8.6 Threat Categories
8.7 Program Threats
CHAPTER 9 Bibliography