

  • 作者:美.加里纳特
  • 出版社:机械工业出版社
  • ISBN:9787111100997
  • 出版日期:2002年06月01日
  • 页数:239
  • 定价:¥32.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    The Manual includes an expansive introduction to Linux and working in the Linux environment. Twelve exercises provide hands-on learning by allowing students to work on programs that implement key theoretical operating system concepts The makeup of the manual allows students to learn concepts on a modern operating system Linux-while at the same time viewing the source code.
    1. The Evolution of Linux
    2. General Kernel R
    2.1 Resource Abstraction
    2.2 Sharing Resources
    2.2.1 Managing Competition for Resources
    2.2.2 Exclusive Use of a Resource
    2.2.3 Managed Sharing
    2.3 A Partition of OS Functions
    3. Kernel Organization
    3.1 Interrupts
    3.2 Using Kernel Services
    3.3 Serial Execution
    3.4 Daemons
    3.5 The Booting Procedure
    3.5.1 The Boot Sector
    3.5.2 Starting the Kernel
    3.6 Logging In to the Machine
    3.7 Control Flow in the Machine
    4. Process and Resource Management
    4.1 Running the Process Manager
    4.1.1 System Call
    4.1.2 Interrupts
    4.2 Creating a New Task
    4.3 The Scheduler
    4.4 IPC and Synchronization
    4.5 Protection Mechanism
    5. Memory Management
    5.1 Managing the Virtual Address Space
    5.2 The Secondary Memory
    5.3 Handling Missing Pages
    5.4 Address Translation
    6. Device Management
    6.1 The Device Driver
    6.2 Handling Interrupts
    7. File Management
    7.1 Mounting the File System
    7.2 Opening a File
    7.3 Reading and Writing the File
    7.4 The Ext2 File System
    8. Learning More about Linux
    1 . Observing Linux Behavior
    Introduction Problem Statement Part A
    PartB PartC PartD
    Attacking the Problem The /proc File System
    Using argc and argv Organizing a Solution
    Saving Your Work in a Shared Laboratory
    2. Shell Program
    Introduction Basic UNIX-Style Shell Operation
    Putting a Process in the Background I/O Redirection
    Shell Pipes Reading Multiple Input Steams
    Problem Statement Part A Part B Part C
    Attacking the Problem Organizing a Solution
    Part A Parts B and C
    3. Kernel Timers
    Introduction How the Kernel Maintains the Time
    Per Process Timers Problem Statement Part A
    Part B Part C Attacking the Problem
    Organization of the Linux Source Code Signals
    Organizing a Solution
    4. Kernel Modules
    Introduction Module Organization
    Module Installation and Removal Problem Statement
    Attacking the Problem The read() Procedure
    The End-of-File Condition Compiling a Module
    Installing and Removing a Module
    The Clock Resolution Question More Help
    5. System Calls
    Introduction The System Call Linkage
    Defining the System Call Number
    Generating a System Call Stub
    Kernel Function Organization
    Referencing User-Space Memory Locations
    Problem Statement Part A Part B
    Attacking the Problem The Kernel printk().Function
    Organizing a Solution Rebuilding the Kernel
    Leaving a Clean Environment
    6. Shared Memory
    Introduction The Shored Memory API
    The Implementation Problem Statement
    Attacking the Problem
    7. Virtual Memory
    Introduction The Virtual Address Space
    Virtual Memory Areas Address Translation
    The Page Fault Handler prirnary, Memory Allocotion
    Problem Statement
    Part A: Instrurnent the Virtual Memory Manager
    Part B: Reporting the Performance
    Attacking the Problem
    8. synchronization Mechanisms
    Introduction Blocking a Task Wait Queues
    Using Wait Queues Problem Statement
    part A Part B Attacking the Problem
    9. The Schedulet
    Introduction Process Management
    Process States Scheduler Implementation
    Fair-Share Scheduling Problem Statement
    Part A Part B Attacking the Problem
    Planning a Solution Comparing Scheduler Performance
    l0. Device Drivers
    Introduction Driver Organization
    Loadable Kernel Module Drivers Example: A Disk Driver
    Problem Statement Part A Part B
    Attacking the Problem
    11. File Systems
    Introduction The Virtual File System Directories
    Example: An MS-DOS File System Problem Statement
    Part A Part B Part C
    Attacking the Problem The MS-DOS Disk Format
    The MS-DOS FAT Using the Floppy Disk API
    Planning a Solution
    12. File I/O
    Introduction The Open and Close Operations
    Read and Write Operations Block Allocation
    Buffer Management Problem Statement
    Part A Part B Part C Part D
    Attacking the Problem The Open() Function
    Caching the FAT A Solution Plan
    Further Study



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