

  • 作者:Lizabeth A.Allison
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040250572
  • 出版日期:2008年06月01日
  • 页数:725
  • 定价:¥69.00
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    《基础分子生物学(影印版)》主要内容:The beginnings of molecular biology , The structure of DNA ,Genome organization: from nucleotides to chromatin, The versatility of RNA, From gene to protein, DNA replication and telomere maintenance, DNA repair and recombination, Recombinant DNA technology and molecular cloning……。
    The fast pace of modern molecular biology research is driven by intellectual curiosity and major challenges in medicine, agriculture, and industry. No discipline in biology has ever experienced the explosion in growth and popularity that molecular biology is now undergoing. There is intense public interest in the Human Genome Project and genetic engineering, due in part to fascination with how our own genes influence our lives. With this fast pace of discovery, it has been difficult to find a suitable, up-to-date textbook for a course in molecular biology. Other textbooks in the field flail into two categories: they are either too advanced, comprehensive, and overwhehmingly detailed, with enough material to fill an entire year or more of lectures, or they are too basic, superficial, and less experhmental in their approach. It is possible to piece together literature for a molecular biology course by assigning readings from a variety of sources. However, some students are poorly prepared to learn material strictly from lectures and selected readings in texts and the primary literature that do not match exactly the content of the course. At the other end, instructors may find it difficult to decide what topics are the most important to include in a course and what to exclude when presented with an extensive array of choices. This textbook aims to fill this perceived gap in the market. The intent is to keep the text to a manageable size while covering the essentials of molecular biology. Selection of topics to include or omit reflects my view of molecular biology and it is possible that some particular favorite topic may not be covered to the desired extent. Students often complain when an instructor teaches "straight from the textbook," so adding favorite examples is encouraged to allow instructors to enrich their course by bringing to it their own enthusiasm and insight.
    A central theme of the textbook is the continuum of biological understanding, starting with basic properties of genes and genomes, RNA and protein structure and function, and extending to the complex, hierarchical interactions fundamental to living organisms. A comprehensive picture of the many ways molecular biology is being applied to the analysis of complex systems is developed, including advances that reveal fundamental features of gene regulation during cell growth and differentiation, and in response to a changing nvironment, as well as developments that are more related to commercial and medical applications. Recent advances in technology, the process and thrill of discovery, and ethical considerations in molecular biology research are emphasized. The text highlights the process of discovery - the observations, the questions, the experimental designs totest models, the results and conclusions - not just presenting the "facts." At the same time the language of molecular biology is emphasized, and a foundation is built that is based in fact. It is not feasible to examine every brick in the foundation and still have time to view the entire structure. However, as often as possible real examples of data are shown, e.g. actual results of an EMSA, Western blot, or RNA splicing assay. Experiments are selected either because they are classics in the field or because they illustrate a particular approach frequently used by molecular biologists to answer a diversity of questions.
    1 The beginnings of molecular biology
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Historical perspective
    Insights into heredity from round and wrinkled peas: Mendelian genetics
    Insights into the nature of hereditary materiaL: the transforming principle is DNA
    Creativity in approach leads to the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
    The importance of technological advances: the Hershey-Chase experiment
    A model for the structure of DNA: the DNA double helix
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    2 The structure of DNA
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Primary structure: the components of nucleic acids
    Five-carbon sugars
    Nitrogenous bases
    The phosphate functional group
    Nucleosides and nucteotides
    2.3 Significance of 5' and 3'
    2.4 Nomenclature of nucleotides
    2.5 The length of RNA and DNA
    2.6 Secondary structure of DNA
    Hydrogen bonds form between the bases
    Base stacking provides chemical stability to the DNA double helix
    Structure of the Watson-Crick DNA double helix
    Distinguishing between features of alternative double-helical structures
    DNA can undergo reversible strand separation

    2.7 Unusual DNA secondary structures
    Slipped structures
    Cruciform structures
    Triple helix DNA
    Disease box 2.1 Friedreich's ataxia and triple helix DNA

    2.8 Tertiary structure of DNA
    Supercoiling of DNA
    Topoisomerases relax supercoiled DNA
    What is the significance of supercoiting in vivo?
    Disease box 2.2 Topoisomerase-targeted anticancer drugs
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    3 Genome organization: from nucleotides to chromatin
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Eukaryotic genome
    Chromatin structure:historical perspective
    Beads-on-a-string:the 10 nm fiber
    The 30 nm fiber
    Loop domains
    Metaphase chromosomes
    Alternative chromatin structures
    3.3 Bacterial genome
    3.4 Plasmids
    3.5 Bacteriophages and mammalian DNA viruses
    Mammalian DNA Viruses

    3.6 Organelle genomes:chloroplasts and mitochondria
    Chloroplast DNA(cpDNA)
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
    Disease box 3.1 Mitochondrial DNA and disease

    3.7 RNA-based genomes
    Eukaryotic RNA viruses
    Other Subviral pathoqens
    Disease box 3.2 Avian flu
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    4 The versatility of RNA
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Secondary structure of RNA
    Secondary structure motifs in RNA
    Base-paired RNA adopts an A-type double helix
    RNA helices often contain noncanonical base pairs
    4.3 Tertiary structure of RNA
    tRNA structure:important insiqhts into RNA structural motifs
    Common tertiary structure motifs in RNA
    4.4 Kinetics of RNA folding
    4.5 RNA is involved in a wide range of cellular processes
    4.6 Historical perspective:the discovery of RNA catalysis
    Tetrahymena qroUP I intron ribozyme
    RNase P ribozyme
    Focus box 4.1:The RNA World

    4.7 Ribozymes catalyze a variety of chemical reactions
    Mode of ribozyme action
    Large ribozymes
    Small ribozymes
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    5 From gene to protein
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 The central dogma
    5.3 The genetic code
    Translating the genetic code
    The 21st and 22nd genetically encoded amino acids
    Role of modified nucleotides in decoding
    Implications of codon bias for molecular biologists
    5.4 Protein structure
    Primary structure
    Secondary structure
    Tertiary structure
    Quaternary structure
    Size and complexity of proteins
    Proteins contain multiple functional domains
    Prediction of protein structure

    5.5 Protein function
    Enzymes are biological catalysts
    Regulation of protein activity by post-translational modifications
    Allosteric regulation of protein activity
    Cyclin-dependent kinase activation
    Macromolecular assemblages

    5.6 Protein folding and misfolding
    MoLecular chaperones
    Ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation
    Protein misfolding diseases
    Disease box 5.1 Prions
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    6 DNA replication and telomere maintenance
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Historical perspective
    Insight into the mode of DNA replication: the Meselson-Stahl experiment
    Insight into the mode of DNA replication: visualization of replicating bacterial DNA
    6.3 DNA synthesis occurs from 5'→3'
    6.4 DNA polymerases are the enzymes that catalyze DNA synthesis
    Focus box 6.1 Bacterial DNA polymerases
    6.5 Semidiscontinuous DNA replication
    Leading strand synthesis is continuous
    Lagging strand synthesis is discontinuous
    6.6 Nuclear DNA replication in eukaryotic cells
    Replication factories
    Histone removal at the origins of replication
    Prereplication complex formation at the origins of replication
    Replication Licensing: DNA only replicates once per cell cycle
    Duplex unwinding at replication forks
    RNA priming of Leading strand and Lagging strand DNA synthesis
    Polymerase switching
    Elongation of Leading strands and Lagging strands
    Maturation of nascent DNA strands
    Histone deposition
    Focus box 6.2 The naming of genes involved in DNA replication
    Disease box 6.1 Systemic lupus erythematosus and PCNA
    6.7 Replication of organelle DNA

    Models for mtDNA replication
    Replication of cpDNA
    Disease box 6.2 RNase MRP and cartilage-hair hypoplasia
    6.8 Rolling circle replication

    6.9 Tetomere maintenance: the role of tetomerase in DNA replication, aging, and cancer
    Solution to the end replication problem
    Maintenance of telomeres by telomerase
    Other modes of telomere maintenance
    Regulation of telomerase activity
    Telomerase, aging, and cancer
    Disease box 6.3 Dyskeratosis congenita: loss of telomerase function
    Chapter summary
    Analytical questions
    Suggestions for further reading

    7 DNA repair and recombination
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 Types of mutations and their phenotypic consequences
    Transitions and transversions can lead to silent, missense, or nonsense mutations
    Insertions or deletions can cause frameshift mutations
    Expansion of trinucleotide repeats leads to genetic instability
    7.3 General classes of DNA damage
    Single base changes
    Structural distortion
    DNA backbone damage
    Cellular response to DNA damage
    7.4 Lesion bypass
    7.5 Direct reversal of DNA damage
    7.6 Repair of single base changes and structural distortions by removal of DNA damage
    Base excision repair
    Mismatch repair
    Nucleotide excision repair
    Disease box 7.1 Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer: a defect in mismatch repair

    7.7 Double-strand break repair by removal of DNA damage
    Homologous recombination
    Nonhomologous end-joining
    Disease box 7.2 Xeroderma pigmentosum and related disorders: defects in nucleotide excision repair
    Disease box 7.3 Hereditary breast cancer syndromes: mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2
    8 Recombinant DNA technology and molecular cloning
    9 Tools for analyzing gene expression
    10 Transcription in prokaryotes
    11 Transcription in eukaryotes
    12 Epigenetic and monoallelic gene expression
    13 RNA processing and post-transcriptional gene regulation
    14 The mechanism of translation
    15 Genetically modified organisms: use in basic and applied research
    16 Genome analysis:DNA typing,genomics and beyond
    17 Medical molecular biology



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