

  • 作者:(英)莱内特.欧文
  • 出版社:法律出版社
  • ISBN:9787503646713
  • 出版日期:2004年01月01日
  • 页数:376
  • 定价:¥48.00
  • 猜你也喜欢





    ChapterⅠ The Evolution and Development Of the Chinese Taxation System
    I Historical Development of the Taxation System 0f China
    Ⅱ Analysis of China’s Tax System
    Ⅲ Reforming the Taxation System for the Market Economy
    ChapterⅡ Types Of Taxes and the Basic Structure of Chinese Tax Law
    I Types of Taxes
    Ⅱ The Turnover Taxes
    Ⅲ The composition of tax law
    Ⅳ The Structure of Chinese Tax Law
    V The Characteristics 0f Chinese Tax Law
    ChapterⅢ Tax Legislation and Tax Agencies
    I The Legislative System of Taxation
    Ⅱ The system of tax c0Uect-0n and tax administration
    ChapterⅣ Tax Collection and Tax AdministrationI Ways of Tax Collection
    Ⅱ Tax Administration
    Ⅲ Agency in Taxation
    Ⅳ Administration of Invoices
    Chapter V Tax Administrative Punishment
    I A Brief Introduction t0 Tax Administrative Punishment(“TAP”)
    Ⅱ Types of TAP
    Ⅲ The Enforcer of TAP and the Jurisdiction of TAP
    Ⅳ Application of TAP
    V Procedures for TAP
    ChapterⅥ Tax Administrative Indemnification
    I Tax Administrative Indemnification
    Ⅱ The Scope 0f TAI
    Ⅲ Petitioners for TAI and the Organs Liable for TAI
    Ⅳ The Procedures for TAI
    V Ways of TAI payment and standards Of TAI
    ChapterⅦ Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
    I Settling Tax Disputes by Tax Administrative Reconsideration
    Ⅱ The Acts That Can Be Accepted As A Case 0f TAR and the Jurisdiction of TARs
    Ⅲ Application for TAR
    Ⅳ Acceptance of applications for TAR
    V Hearing and Ruling of TARs
    Ⅵ Settling Tax Disputes by Tax Administration Litigation
    Ⅶ The Scope and jurisdiction of litigation
    Ⅷ The participants in TAL
    Ⅸ The Filing of TAL and Case Acceptance
    X The Hearing 0f a TAL and Judgment Making
    Ⅺ Appeal and Enforcement in TAL
    ChapterⅧ Value Added Tax Law
    I Taxpayers
    Ⅱ Scope of application
    Ⅲ Definition of Ordinary Taxpayers and Small Taxpayers
    Iv Tax rates
    V Calculation of the Tax Amount Payable
    Ⅵ Output Taxes and Input Taxes
    Ⅶ The calculation 0f taxes payable
    Ⅷ The Calculation 0f the Amount of Taxes Payable by Small Taxpayers
    Ⅸ The Refund and Exemption Of VAT from Exported Goods
    X Administration of the refund(exemption)of taxes for the export 0f goods
    Ⅺ Taxation of imported Goods
    Ⅻ Time Limit for Tax Payment
    Ⅻ The Usage and Administration 0f Special VAT Invoices
    ChapterⅨ Business Tax Law
    I Evolution of the Business Tax
    Ⅱ Taxpayers
    Ⅲ Application of the Business Tax Law
    Ⅳ Business Tax Rates and the Calculation of the Taxes Payable
    V Preferential Policies
    Ⅵ Time limit for tax payment
    Ⅶ Tax filing and venue of tax payment
    Chapter X Consumption Tax Law
    Ⅰ General Introduction to the Consumption Tax
    Ⅱ Taxpayers and tax items
    Ⅲ Tax Rates
    Ⅳ Calculation of the Consumption Taxes Payable
    V Refund(Exemption)0f Taxes for the Export of Taxable Consumer Goods
    Ⅵ Time Limit for Tax Payment
    Ⅶ Tax Filing and Venue of Tax Payment
    ChapterⅪ Tariff Law
    I Tariff and Tariff Law:A Historic Description
    Ⅱ object of Tariff Collection and Tariff Payer
    Ⅲ Import and Export Tariff Policies
    Ⅳ The rule of place of origin
    V Dutiable value
    Ⅵ Computation of Tariffs Payable
    Ⅶ Tariff Deduction and Exemption
    Ⅷ Collection and administration of tariffs
    ChapterⅫ Enterprise Income Tax Law
    I Taxpayer and the object of taxation
    Ⅱ Tax Rate
    Ⅲ Computation of taxable income
    Ⅳ The taxation treatment of assets
    V Computation 0f EIT Payable
    Ⅵ Preferential Policies Of EIT
    Ⅶ Tax Credit of the Taxes Paid Abroad
    Ⅷ Tax filing and payment
    ChapterⅫ Foreign-funded Enterprise and Foreign Enterprise Income TaxLaw
    I Taxpayer,Tax Rate and Object of Taxation
    Ⅱ Taxable income
    Ⅲ Tax Treatment of Assets
    Ⅳ Preferential Tax Policies
    V Tax Issues of Associated Enterprises
    Ⅵ Tax Filing and Payment
    Chapter XV Individual Income Tax Law
    I A Brief Introduction to the Individual Income Tax
    Ⅱ Taxpayer
    Ⅲ Determination of the Sources of Income
    Ⅳ Taxable Items
    V Tax Rates
    Ⅵ Taxable income
    Ⅶ Computation Of IIT payable
    Ⅷ Preferential Policies
    Ⅸ Tax credit of IIT paid abroad
    X Tax Filing and Payment
    Chapter XV Land Value Added Tax Law
    I Brief Introduction
    Ⅱ Taxpayer
    Ⅲ Determination 0f the scope of taxation
    Ⅳ Determination of the Taxable Income
    V Deductible Items
    Ⅵ Determination of the Amount of Added Value
    Ⅶ Tax Rates and Computation Of Taxes Payable
    Ⅷ Preferential Policies
    Ⅸ Tax Filing and Payment
    Chapter XⅥ Urban Construction and Maintenance Tax Law
    I Brief Introduction
    Ⅱ Taxpayer and application
    Ⅲ Tax rates and tax base
    Ⅳ Computation 0f taxes payable and administration of UMCT
    V Tax filing and payment
    Ⅵ Defects Of the UMCT law and suggestions for improvement
    Chapter XⅦ Property Tax Law
    I A Brief Introduction to the Property Tax Law
    Ⅱ House Tax Law
    Ⅲ Urban Real Estate Tax Law
    Chapter XⅧ Resource Tax Law
    I The Resource Tax
    Ⅱ Urban Land Use Tax Law
    Chapter XⅨ Conduct Tax Law
    I A Brief Introduction to the Conduct Tax Law
    Ⅱ stamp Tax Law(319)
    Ⅲ Vehicle and Vessel Use Tax Law
    Ⅳ Deed Tax Law
    Chapter XX Foreign-Related Tax Law
    I The Forms of Doing Business in China
    Ⅱ The Establishment of the Foreign-Related Tax System:A Historical Perspective
    Ⅲ Features of China’s Foreign-Related Preferential Tax Policies
    Ⅳ Analysis of the Defects with China’s Foreign-Related Preferential Tax Policies
    V Suggestions for the Ref0Fin of China’s Foreign-Related Tax Policies
    Chapter XⅪTax Avoidance & Anti-Avoidance
    I Tax Avoidance,Evasion,and Tax Planning
    Ⅱ What Makes Tax Avoidance Possible?
    Ⅲ Cheat for the Refund of Export Taxes
    Ⅳ Techniques of Tax Avoidance by Domestic Business Firms
    V The Emergence of International Tax Avoidance
    Ⅵ The Ways of International Tax Avoidance
    Ⅶ Anti-avoidance Measures



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外