In metal forming, the geometry of the workpiece is established entirely or partially by the geom-etry of the die. In contrast to machining processes, significantly greater forces are necessary in form-ing. Due to the complexity of the parts, forming is often not carried out in a single operation. De-pending on the geometry of the part, production is carried out in several operational steps via one orseveral production processes such as forming or blanking. One operation can also include severalprocesses simultaneously.
During the design phase, the necessary manufacturing methods as well as the sequence andnumber of production steps are established in a processing plan. In this plan, the availability of ma-chines, the planned production volumes of the part and other boundary conditions are taken into ac-count. The aim is to minimize the number of dies to be used while keeping up a high level of opera-tional reliability. The parts are greatly simplified right from their design stage by close collabora-tion between the part design and production departments in order to enable several forming and relat-ed blanking processes to be carried out in one forming station.
Obviously, the more operations which are integrated into a single die, the more complex thestructure of the die becomes. The consequences are higher costs, a decrease in output and a lowerreliability.
Single Station Die
The die that only one process is carried out in one pressstroke is called single station die. Its structure is simple, so itcan be easily manufactured. It is applicable to small batch pro-duction. Figure 2-6 shows the structure of a single station die.
Progressive Die
To speed production, piercing and blanking operations are
1often combined together in one tool. In progressive dies, alsoknown as progressive blanking dies, sheet metal parts areblanked in several stages; generally speaking no actual formingoperation takes place. The sheet metal is fed in the form ofmetal st
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