In a ot of ways I wish my Mom would get remarded, because thenshe wouldn't have to worry so much about finances.But I'm sorry that myDad got remarried,because I feel left out a lot of times. And one thing Ireally worry about is that I think they want to have a baby, and I kmowthat if they do,it will be just like a replacement for me.That' s because Ionly see my Dad on weekends,and since be would see the baby more thanhe'd see me, he' d probably grow to like it more than be likes me,It couldhe a lot like what happenad with my dog Spunkur,I've had him for aboutsix years and I've always said I'll never love any dog as much as I lovehim.Well,a year ago I picked up a little black Labrador1 puppy from thepound,and now I find I'm not as friendly with Spunkur as I used to be.And I think Spunkur feels jealous, just like I would ff my Dad and mystepmother had a haby. My Dad said it wouldn't be that way, that we' d bea whole family and I' d have a little brother or sister, which would be a lotof fun,but I told him,"I.nok,hy the time the kid is old enough to talk,I'll be out of college. I' m not going to have anything to do with a baby.You know that it' s just a replacement for me !" 家是每个人心目中*神圣的地方,是一段疲惫旅程之后酣畅的歇憩,是漂泊的游子温暖的港湾。作为社会生活不可或缺的重要组成部分,家对每个人的成长发育、性格培养都有着非常重要的影响。然而,貌似简单的家庭,却因其成员的不同而衍生出种种复杂的关系,从而造成家庭生活的多样化。尤其是在西方发达**里,随着经济的发展、各种思潮的衍生及成熟,人们对爱情、婚姻、家庭的观念和态度也茌不知不觉中经历着重大的改变。传统的大家庭被各种各样新的家庭形式所取代,婚姻不再是组成家庭的必要前提。同时由于生活节奏的加快,使人们越来越深陷于为生活而生活的无奈中,无暇顾及身边*亲近的人,造成了家庭生活的诸多危机。然而,这一切并不能说明作为社会*基本的组成单位的家庭已到了寿终正寝的时候。人们现实的许多努力正是为了寻找到更适合的“家庭”生活方式。而且也应看到,与此同时还有更多的人在向传统的生活方式回归。