International trade takes place within the framework of agreements worked out by countriesin the World Trade Organization (WTO), formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffsand Trade (GATT). Over the last 50 years trade barriers have been coming down and free tradelike open borders and deregulation now forms the ideal for almost all nations, even if thesituation is far from one of complete laisser-faire, with no government intervention.
Trade negotiations are well-known for their epic eleventh-hour negotiating sessions,where individual nations argue for what they see as their specific interests. Countries argue forprotection of their strategic industries, which they consider vital to future prosperity.Countries accuse each other of dumping, where exported goods are sold at lower prices thanin the home market, or for less than they cost to produce, in order to gain a larger marketshare in the market. Protectionism is no longer the order of the day in most places; however,some countries still argue that protectionist measures are ways to get their economies goingthough they avoid using the term.
教材体现了以英语技能的培养为**,能力与知识并重的编写原则,充分考虑学生对商务专业知识的需求,力图将英语技能和商务专业知识有机结合,这是培养复合型、应用型商务英语人才的有效语言实践课教材。教材具有几大特点:1)精选文章,内容体现实效性、知识性,语言具有实用性;2)主题广泛,信息量大,注重商务类文章的文体、语言特点的结合;3)课后练习突出多样性和互动性,重视学生学习自主性和创新性的发挥;4)重视培养和提高学生用英语阐述国际商务内容的能力和在商务环境下的英语应用能力。教材精选了当今世界知名的英语报纸、杂志、网站和学术刊物中与经济和商务相关的文章。选材来源的主要知名刊物包括:The Wall Street Journal;Time;Newsweek; The Economist;BusinessWeek; Harvard Business Review; Finacial Times;New York Times等。所选文章涉及的主题广泛,尽量涵盖当今国际经贸的重要领域,如国际贸易、金融、管理等;选材充分考虑到文章涉及的区域性,尽量体现在世界经济中*具代表性的**、区域和经济体;所选文章力求涵盖各类文体,如分析综述、年度报告等。在选材上体现主题、区域和文体的结合,所选文章内容具有时效性,语言具有典型性。