you can live with. You can use the resources below to get more information onfinding a low-carb diet you can live with. Develop an exercise program that results inat least minutes of activity each day—— walking, running, swimming are all good. Tip: Set realistic goals. Rapid weight loss depends on your ability to focus on adisciplined mix of diet and exercise. By setting realistic goals, you will not becomediscouraged and lose your focus. Tip: Listen to your body. Though there are many rapid weight loss plans outthere, everyone's body and metabolism react differently to these programs.Passage 3 One of the most controversial aspects of globalization is the worldwide spreadand dominance of American culture. Just as US goods flooded world markets in thepost-World War II era, US culture is now penetrating every continent through thedramatic growth of mass communications such as music, television, films and theIntemet, as well as through the penetration of American corporations into foreigncountries. From China to France to the Middle East, foreign leaders and activistshave expressed fear that global culture may become too Americanized, destroyingtheir own cultural, economic, and religious traditions. Where does the majoritypublic stand? A majority of Americans has a favorable view of American popular culture,though a large minority of the public is pessimistic about the quality of US moviesand television. Americans are divided about the spread of American culture, but onlya small minority considers the dominance of US culture a threat to other cultures.When it comes to globalization bringing greater cultural influences into the US,Americans express a positive attitude.Passage 4
Throughout Europe, institutions of higher leaming had developed, bearing theancient name of university. In Germany, university was concerned primarily withcreating and spreading knowledge, not morals. Between the middle and the end of. 本书共包括三个部分。**部分为“概述”, 对上海市英语中级口译资格证书考试及中级口译考试笔译部分作了简单的介绍,并分析了一套翻译真题,旨在使考生对该考试有一个宏观的把握。第二部分为“英译汉”,第三部分为“汉译英”,各八个单元,严格按照《中级翻译教程》(第三版)的顺序进行编排。每个单元由四个部分组成,分别为“译例精解”、“译海拾贝”、“译事杂谈”和“模拟实战”。