小学英语阅读100篇 三年级 全彩思维导图 阅读理解 每天30分钟强化训练

小学英语阅读100篇 三年级 全彩思维导图 阅读理解 每天30分钟强化训练

  • 作者:耿小辉
  • 出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:9787500165439
  • 出版日期:2021年02月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥39.80
  • 分享领佣金




    Week 1 Hello! Day 1 How Do You Feel? Day 2 Talk About the Weather in the UK Day 3 To Be Polite Day 4 Where Are They from? Day 5 Jane and Li Xue Week 2 Myself Day 1 Harry Day 2 Judy’s Book and Cats Day 3 A Picnic in Summer Day 4 A Lovely Girl Day 5 I Love Reading Week 3 Colours Day 1 Colours in Our Garden Day 2 Bill’s Present Day 3 The Colourful Balls Day 4 Anni Has Many Clothes Day 5 Interesting Colours Week 4 Animals Day 1 My Pet Day 2 A Hungry Monkey Day 3 Ducks Day 4 Elephants Day 5 Kangaroos Week 5 Numbers Day 1 An Exact Number Day 2 The Number of Legs Day 3 Breakfast Day 4 What Is in Tim’s Room? Day 5 A Big Family Week 6 Food Day 1 My Favourite Food Day 2 My Three Meals a Day Day 3 I Like Chinese Food Day 4 Fast Food Day 5 Eating Customs in Germany Week 7 Clothes Day 1 Weather and Clothes Day 2 My New Uniform Day 3 Shoes Day 4 My New Clothes Day 5 Clothes Week 8 My Body Day 1 I Draw My Face Day 2 How to Protect Our Eyes? Day 3 Sweet Food, Bad Teeth Day 4 Our Skin Day 5 The Hair on Our Body Week 9 Weather Day 1 A Nice Morning Day 2 The Weather of London Day 3 We Like Playing Day 4 The Storm Day 5 The Thunderstorm Week 10 Seasons Day 1 Spring Day 2 Different Seasons, Different Clothes Day 3 The Story of Harry Day 4 Summer Nights Day 5 Seasons Week 11 Time and Date Day 1 Exercise Every Day Day 2 Tim’s Sunday Plan Day 3 John’s Sunday Day 4 Day and Night Day 5 On the Phone Week 12 My Family Day 1 The Happy Family Day 2 Our House Day 3 The Family Breakfast Day 4 My Family Love Animals Day 5 An Interesting Family Week 13 My School Day 1 Our Classroom Day 2 How Do You Go to School? Day 3 My School Day Day 4 Welcome to My School Day 5 In the Schoolbag Week 14 Friends Day 1 My Best Friend Day 2 My Friends Day 3 Friends Day 4 Sarah and Her Doll Day 5 Dog and Cat Week 15 Daily Life Day 1 The Short Picnic Day 2 Let’s Go Shopping! Day 3 Like and Don’t Like Day 4 Steve’s Bad Habits Day 5 Jack’s Birdhouse Week 16 Birthday Day 1 The Delicious Birthday Present Day 2 Two Pieces of Cake Day 3 The Birthday Party Day 4 To Make a Birthday Cake for Mum Day 5 Amy’s Birthday Week 17 What’s This? Day 1 Who Am I? Day 2 The Different Balls Day 3 The Bookshelf Day 4 Guess, Guess Day 5 A Cute Turtle Week 18 Where Is/Are…? Day 1 Where Is My Toy Car? Day 2 Where Am I? Day 3 Time for School Day 4 Where’s the Hat? Day 5 What a Mess! Week 19 What Do You Do? Day 1 What Do You Want to Be? Day 2 My Aunts and Uncle Day 3 We Are Important Day 4 You Should Be Good Day 5 Work with Animals Week 20 Happy Holidays! Day 1 The Spring Festival Day 2 Tree Planting Day Day 3 Mother’s Day Day 4 Earth Day Day 5 The Happy Summer Holiday



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外