

  • 作者:教育bu国际合作与交流司,教育部留学服务中心
  • 出版社:人民日报出版社
  • ISBN:9787511581006
  • 出版日期:2024年04月01日
  • 页数:0
  • 定价:¥99.00
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    Encounters in Life—A Letter to Meixinka, My Daughter
    [乌克兰] 阿琳娜 安徽师范大学
    [Ukraine] Zhuk Alina, Anhui Normal University
    Dear Meixinka,
    My sweet baby, the night is deep now and the stars are shining in the sky.
    In this beautiful river city of China, I feel so peaceful, quiet and delightful to look at your sleeping chubby face , long eyelashes trembling slightly with the sound of breathing. In a sudden I am driven by an impulse that I would like to share with you a lot of words while preparing lessons.
    Time flies. My life journey turned to be extraordinarily significant thanks to those beautiful encounters in China, an ancient and young country, from being exposed to Chinese language in 2004 to receiving scholarships for pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees in China; from bidding farewell to the beautiful hometown in Ukraine to landing on this ancient and culturally diverse Chinese river city; from the first awkening of love to meeting and falling in love with a sunny and kind-hearted Chinese young man, with whom I entered the marriage hall with the oath of “holding your hand and getting old together”;from knowing the first character “China” to becoming a Chinese university teacher.
    Dear Meixinka, Mom will never forget the winter night of 2020. In that obstetric ward with warmth and hope, I finally heard the first cry of my long awaited baby. As the fruit of love between China and Ukraine, the arrival of your pretty little life has carried deeper meaning to our lives. Your father, who had been waiting by the bed, was too excited to know what to do but looking at you in your swaddling clothes.
    We have been discussing for a long time and then naming you “Meixin.” Your father said that in Chinese, the combination of “Mei” and “Xin” means beautiful and gentle and you will enjoy a peaceful and warm life. In order to have a Ukrainian style, I added the suffix “ka.” “Meixinka” sounds more similar to Ukrainian.
    Dear Meixinka, when I was a little girl too, I particularly enjoyed lying on the grass by the river on a summer night in rural Ukraine while the sky hanging low and the stars twinkling. With eyes shining in the vast sea of stars, I took pleasure in the gentle breeze and beautiful dark moments. At that time she had been wondering sometimes how big the world is and whether she was able to go and see somewhere else.
    The little Ukrainian girl grew up later. By chance she saw “Wheels on Meals” acted by Jackie Chan. The brave, kind and humorous hero acted by Jackie Chan impressed her deeply. Inspired and encouraged by the movie, she was determined to learn Chinese well. So when she got the opportunity to meet Jackie Chan, she would told him in Chinese, “Thank you for inflaming me with your movies and your persistence.” Over the next eight years, she exerted herself to complete undergraduate and master’s studies majored in English and Chinese at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University in Ukraine.
    美馨卡,你一定很喜欢现在生活的这座江城吧,因为每次带你出门玩,你都那么兴致勃勃,开心地说个不停。是的,安徽师范大学坐落在“徽风皖韵、千湖之城”的江城芜湖,临浩瀚长江,傍灵秀赭山。所以,阿琳娜在上书法课 阿琳娜在安徽师范大学
    In 2012, she received a scholarship from China and came to Anhui to study at Anhui Normal University, the earliest higher education institution in the province.
    Dear Meixinka, I bet you like this river city very much. Every time I take you out, you are so excited and keep talking cheerfully. Yes, Anhui Normal University is located in Wuhu, a place known as the “City of Thousand Lakes with Geographical Charm of AnHui.” It is adjacent to the vast Yangtze River and the wonderful Mount Zheshan. That is why I was deeply appealed when I first stepped into this university that combines the natural beauty of southern China and the cultural prestige of Anhui.
    Before coming to China, I only knew the names of some big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Nanjing. After being here, I found that China has developed so rapidly. It has lots of beautiful cities that amaze people with dramatic changes day by day.
    Dear Meixinka, after graduation with a doctorate, I could have gone to a big city for career development. Do you know why I stayed in Wuhu? Haha, yes, because I met my Mr. Right at the volleyball court of Anhui Normal University in 2013, who is your father. From then on, I have the best man in my life. He is a kind and handsome Chinese young man, who patiently introduced me to Chinese culture and customs and helped me understand the saying “harmony is most precious,” which is value of well-being of Chinese people. He made me be aware of how responsible and selfless a Chinese man is. He is easy-going and always holds a positive attitude when facing troubles. He is very capable of taking care of family to make our life stable and happy. We discuss and address issues together all the time. Indeed, understanding is more important than
    美馨卡,妈妈博士毕业后,本来可以去大都市发展,你知道为什么留在江城了吗?哈哈,是的,因为 2013 年在安徽师范大学排球场,我邂逅了我的中国“缘分”——你的爸爸。从此,我的生命中有了一个*好的“他”。这个善良帅气的中国小伙子,耐心地给我介绍中国的文化和风俗,使我了解了中国“和为贵”的幸福价值观,也让我感受到中国男人的担当和无私。他性格随和,总是以积极的态度解决问题。生活中,他特别懂得如何照顾家庭,怎样让家庭生活更稳定、更幸福,我们俩总是一起商量解决问题。真的,有的时候,懂比爱更重要。因为懂得,爱不是不争不吵,是发生争执后还能在一起;爱不是不打不闹,是吵过闹过后依然不离不弃。唯愿从青春到步履蹒跚,从红颜到白发,在彼此陪伴中慢慢变老。是的,亲爱的美馨卡,妈妈“一直在寻找那种感觉,那种在寒冷日
    目录 [乌克兰] 阿琳娜 生命的邂逅——写给女儿美馨卡的一封信 Encounters in Life—A Letter to Meixinka, My Daughter 002 [马来西亚] 傅芷莹 抬眼望星辰,踏实足下土 Look up at the Sky and Stand on Solid Ground 010 [孟加拉国] 周凯比 风吹金柳,荷香满塘 The Wind Blows the Willows, and the Lotus Fragrance Fills the Pond 018 [马来西亚] 颜嘉宏 走进中医文化 My Encounter with Marvelous TCM 026 [泰国] 陈佩瑜 十年一念 A Thought for 10 Years 032 [土库曼斯坦] 艾洁 舞在中国——我的寻美之路 Dancing in China — My Road to Beauty 040 [哥伦比亚] 吉咏华 情定中国 Love in China 050 [马来西亚] 刘芷君 百年归故里 Return to Hometown after a Hundred Years 056 [日本] 田中月 神游汴京,梦回大宋 Wandering Around Bianjing, Dreaming back to Song Dynasty 064 [缅甸] 赵太宇 山河无恙 筑梦华夏 May Mountains and Rivers Be in Good Condition and Pursue My Dreams in China 074 [老挝] 乔小潘 给中国朋友的一封信 A Letter to Chinese Friends 082 [印度尼西亚] 李美珊 妈妈在远处眺望着我们 Mom Looking at Us from a Distance 088 [柬埔寨] 陈汉伟 踏遍山河万里,为寻中国烟火 Traveling Thousands of Miles cross Mountains and Rivers in Search of Chinese Charm 094 [巴基斯坦] 谢丽 梦想的故事 A Story about Dream 102 [老挝] 谱塔纳 长江水岸边的相思 Love on the Banks of the Yangtze River 108 [巴基斯坦] 李克军 修炼一颗中国心 Cultivate a Chinese Heart 116 [越南] 杨芳草 “一带一路”新画卷:走进越南 A New Picture of Belt and Road: Entering Vietnam 122 [巴基斯坦] 莱巴 想把您唱给世界听 I Want to Sing Your Stories to the World 128 [亚美尼亚] 埃里克 诗词里的中国 China in Poetry 136 [韩国] 金俊烨 绿水青山 Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains 142 [英国] 海棠 越靠近你,就越被你吸引 The Closer I Am to You, the More Attracted I Am by You 148 [缅甸] 南襄幻 我从中缅边境来到“浙” From China-Myanmar Border to Zhejiang 156 [柬埔寨] 江碧芯 邂逅中国,开启美好之旅 Encounter China and Embark a Beautiful Journey 164 [越南] 林淑庆 中国,许我奔向你! China, Let me Run to You! 172 [孟加拉国] 博尚多 云顶上的茶乡 A Tea Country on top of the Clouds 180 [老挝] 安友迪 逍遥游 A Carefree Tour 186 [老挝] 王钱有 我与“一带一路”的故事 My Story with Belt and Road Initiative 194 [缅甸] 丁南苏 我在中国的“跃”生活 My Life of ‘Leap Forward’ in China 202 [韩国] 申有缜 我的二十四节气 My Twenty-Four Solar Terms 208 [越南] 刘氏玄 情相近,心相通——赓续越中友好之缘 Closeness of Affection with Common Hearts to Continue Friendship between Vietnam and China 214 [伊朗] 尔凡 邂逅宁夏,爱上中国 Meet Ningxia and Fall in Love with China 220 [巴基斯坦] 卡兹慕 新丝路的另一端 The Other End of the New Silk Road 228 [缅甸]江映月 我与中国壮乡的美丽邂逅 My Beautiful Encounter with the Towns of Zhuang People of China 234 [越南] 陶蓝希 与中国有个约 A Promise with China 242 [越南] 陈英书 醉美黄山行 Intoxicated in Huangshan Mountain 250 [坦桑尼亚] 马仁皓 遇见 Encounter 258 [塞内加尔] 伊玛 命中注定的中国之旅 A Fated Journey to China 264 [日本] 中山翔太 科技为毫,跃动于文化画卷 Science and Technology as Paintbrush Leaping on the Cultural Scroll 270 [美国] 安琪 寻味花山 Taste the Flower Mountain 276 [马来西亚] 刘骐毓 邂逅中国,从北京开始 Encounter China from Beijing 282 [土库曼斯坦] 阿斯兰 我和中国的故事 The Story between Me and China 288 [俄罗斯] 欧韵娜 爱要用心去感受 Love Has to be Felt with Heart 296 [尼日利亚] 林敏君 在与中国邂逅中的感悟和思考 Reflections in my Encounter with China 302 [越南] 阮氏美幸 心有千千“节”,他乡亦故乡 With Thousands of Knots in H



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外