During the second stage, improvements in hygiene, medical care, and food pro-duction led to a decrease in the death rate in newly industrializing regions of WesternEurope. However, birth rates remained high due to tradition and because many peoplewere involved in agrarian occupations. The combination of a lowered CDR and a stableCBR led to dramatic increases in population starting at the beginning of the nineteenthcentury.
In stage three, birth rates also began to fall. In cities there was less incentive toproduce large numbers of children, since city dwellers no longer worked the land, andthe cost of raising children in an urban environment was greater than in rural districts.Furthermore, more children survived into adulthood due to improved living condi-tions. These economic pressures led to a lower CBR and over time the numbers of peo-ple being born started to approximate the numbers dying.
The final stage, which some demographers have called the postindustrial stage, oc-curs when birth rates and death rates are about equal. In this case there is zero naturalpopulation growth. Over time the birth rate may fall below the death rate, and withoutimmigration the total population may slowly decrease. By the early twenty-first centu-ry, several European countries were experiencing population declines due to the CDRoutstripping the CBR. For example, in Italy in 2004 there were about 9 births per thou-sand against 10 deaths per thousand.
The demographic transition took about 200 years to complete in Europe. Many de-veloping countries are still in stage two of the demographic transition model: births faroutstrip deaths. In these countries, CDR has declined due to improvements in sanita-tion and increases in food productivity, but the birth rate has still not adjusted down-ward to the new realities of improved living conditions. The imbalance of births overdeaths in the developing world is the fundamental reason for the dramatic populationexplosion in the latt
…… 有效提高应试能力、迅速提高考分一直是广大托福考生梦寐以求的目标。为了帮助考生实现这一目标,我特邀哈佛大学专家共同编写了托福考试高分策略系列丛书,包含阅读、听力、口语与写作四个分册。本丛书力求从学习方法、应试策略、全真考题分析及解答等方面帮助考生短期内提升托福考试成绩。
相对于旧托福(中国大陆的托福考试一直实行纸笔考试)而言,现在的托福(TOEFL iBT_一托福网考)出现了一些变化,主要有:1.增加了口语测试;2.去掉了听力部分的小对话;3.阅读文章变长了;4.作文由一篇变成了两篇(增加了综合写作)。