

  • 作者:迟福林 匡贤明
  • 出版社:五洲传播出版社
  • ISBN:9787508551265
  • 出版日期:2023年10月01日
  • 页数:304
  • 定价:¥118.00
  • 分享领佣金




    高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化**的首要任务。当前,面对世界百年未有之大变局,中国作为具有巨大发展潜力、并正处在经济转型升级关节点的大国,需要以结构转型应对风险挑战,以结构转型推动经济高质量发展。本书是中改院课题组关于结构转型专题研究的重要成果,探讨如何把握结构转型面临的机遇与挑战、如何以结构性改革实现结构转型的重大突破、如何以制度型开放推进制度性变革等问题。本书从产业结构转型、科技结构转型、消费结构转型、城乡结构转型、能源结构转型、贸易结构转型涉及的重大问题等多角度进行分析,提出以结构转型为主线的结构性改革的基本思路和以高水平开放推动结构转型的相关建议。China, a large nation with great growth potential, is currently undergoing a crucial stage of economic transition and upgrading in the midst of a quickly changing global landscape marked by unparalleled changes unseen
    ContentsForewordPromoting High-Quality Development through Structural TransformationI. China Enters a New Developmental Phase in the Advanced Stage of IndustrializationII. Structural Transformation in the Advanced Stage of Industrialization in ChinaIII. Promoting Structural Reforms and Structural Policy AdjustmentsIV. Advancing Pragmatic Institutional Opening UpChapter I Industrial Structure TransformationSection I The Transformation Process of China’s Industrial StructureI. China’s Advancement into the Advanced Stage of IndustrializationII. Industrial Structure Transformation ProcessIII. Challenges in Industrial Structure TransformationSection II Global Trends in Supply Chain RestructurinI. Global Trends in Supply Chain Layout AdjustmentsII. The Root Causes of Global Supply Chain RestructuringIII. Changes in China’s Position in the Global Supply ChainSection III Main Objectives of China’s Industrial Structure TransformationI. Establishing a New Industrial Structure / 63II. Formation of a New Pattern of High-Quality Manufacturing DevelopmentIII. Enhancing New Advantages in Digital Economy DevelopmentChapter II Technological Structure TransformationSection I Transformation of China’s Technological StructureI. Progress of Technological Structure TransformationII. Challenges in the Transformation of Technological StructureSection II Global Trends in Technological InnovationI. Global Technological Innovation TrendsII. Trend of Shifts in Global Scientific CentersIII. Trends in Global Technological Competition Landscape ChangesSection III Main Objectives for China’s Technological Structural UpgradeI. Enhancing R&D IntensityII. Optimize the Structure of Technological ExpenditureIII. Enhance the Capability to Translate Technological AchievementsIV. Expand the Scale of Senior TechniciansChapter III Consumption Structure TransformationSection I China’s Consumption Structure Transformation and UpgradingI. The Process of Consumption Structure TransformationII. Consumption Structure Transformation EffectsIII. Upgrade Trends in Consumption StructureSection II Challenges in China’s Consumption Structure TransformationI. Short-Term Consumption DeclineII. Weakening Consumer ExpectationsIII. Service-Oriented Consumption Upgrade SlowedSection III The Main Objectives of China’s Consumption Structure TransformationI. Improving Consumption ExpectationsII. Increasing the Proportion of Service-Oriented ConsumptionIII. Enhancing the Effect of Service-Oriented ConsumptionChapter IV Energy Structure TransformationSection I The Progress of China’s Energy Structure TransformationI. Energy Structure Transformation ProgressII. Challenges in Energy Structure TransformationSection II The Global Energy ChangeI. Basic Global Energy StructureII. The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Global Energy CrisisIII. China’s Dependence on the Global Energy MarketSection III Main Objectives of China’s Energy Structure TransformationI. Enhance Energy Supply LevelII. Gradually Reduce Energy Consumption and Carbon IntensityIII. Gradual Improvement in Energy Technology LevelsChapter V Structural Reform with Structural Transformation as the Main FocusSection I The Realistic Needs of Structural Transformation for Structural ReformI. Increase the Momentum of Structural Transformation through Structural ReformsII. Resolve Structural Differences in Structural Transformation through Structural ReformIII. Resolve Structural Imbalances in Economic Relationships during Structural TransformationSection II Important Goals of Structural ReformI. Stabilize Development ExpectationsII. Stimulate Market VitalityIII. Create a Fair, Competitive Market EnvironmentChapter VI Promote Structural Transformation with a High Level of Opening UpSection I The Actual Demand of Structural Transformation for High-Level Opening UpI. Structural Transformation Needs to Be Integrated into the Global Industrial Chain and Supply ChainII. Structural Transformation Poses Greater Demands on the International MarketIII. Structural Transformation Raises Higher Demands for Deeper Integration of Domestic and International MarketsSection II Major Goals of High-Level Opening UpI. Make Pragmatic Efforts to Promote the Dual Circulation of the Domestic and International MarketsII. Advance Institutional Opening UpIII. Coordinate Development and SecurityIV. Advance the RCEP Process in a Pragmatic MannerSection III Major Tasks of High-Level Opening UpI. Promote the Transformation of Industrial Structure and Scientific and Technological Structure through a High Level of Opening UpII. Advance the Alignment of Rules and Regulations Management StandardsIII. Strengthen the Advancement of Bilateral and Multilateral Free TradeIV. Promote the Formation of a New Regional Opening Up LayoutV. Actively Participate in Global Economic Governance



    北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆 台湾 香港 澳门 海外