A.Motivation 1 Y olanda -- senior manager, car rentai firm i believe that all our employees can find satisfaction in what they do. We give them responsibility, which meansthat the decisions they take have a direct impact on our success, and encourage them to use their initiative, so theydon't have to ask me about every decision they make.We hope this gives employees the feeling that they are valued, wi th management knowing the effort they make.Wc believe that all this leads to a higher sense of motivation among employees.When everyone feels motivated, mor ale is good and there is a general feeling of well-being in the organization. B.Motivation 2 Xavier - factory manager i donl believe in all this talk about motivation. My subor dinates, the people working under me, are basically lazyand need constant supervision - we have to check what they are doing all the time. Some people think this isauthoritarian, but I think it's the only way of managingDecisions must be imposed from above without consultation - we dorft discuss decisions with workers, we justtell them what to do. Note: Subordinate is very formal and can be negative. C. Theory X and Theory Y Xavier has conservative views and believes in what the US management thinker Douglas McGregor called T heoryX, the idea that people dislike work and will do everything they can to avoid itY olanda is more humanitarian and believes in T heory Y , the more advance view that, iven the right conditionseveryone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.Others have suggested T heory W (for 'whiplash J, the idea that most work since the begi nning of human societyhas been done under systems of slavery.