

  • 作者:(英)比尔·马斯卡尔(Bill Mascull)
  • 出版社:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:9787100219044
  • 出版日期:2023年02月01日
  • 页数:174
  • 定价:¥68.00
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    《新版剑桥商务英语词汇用法:**》第3版为商务英语**(CEFR B2到C1)学生和专业人士提供商务英语词汇讲解和练习,以提高读者的商务英语知识和应用水平。它通过简单易懂的解释和练习帮助读者扩大商务英语词汇量,在66个不同主题和技能的背景下学习商务英语,包括“风险和不确定性”“共享经济”“可持续发展”等。每个单元都有对应的习题并在书后附有参考答案,非常适合读者自学。本书也可以跟老师一起学习、一对一学习或者小组学习。
    A.Motivation 1 Y olanda -- senior manager, car rentai firm i believe that all our employees can find satisfaction in what they do. We give them responsibility, which meansthat the decisions they take have a direct impact on our success, and encourage them to use their initiative, so theydon't have to ask me about every decision they make.We hope this gives employees the feeling that they are valued, wi th management knowing the effort they make.Wc believe that all this leads to a higher sense of motivation among employees.When everyone feels motivated, mor ale is good and there is a general feeling of well-being in the organization. B.Motivation 2 Xavier - factory manager i donl believe in all this talk about motivation. My subor dinates, the people working under me, are basically lazyand need constant supervision - we have to check what they are doing all the time. Some people think this isauthoritarian, but I think it's the only way of managingDecisions must be imposed from above without consultation - we dorft discuss decisions with workers, we justtell them what to do. Note: Subordinate is very formal and can be negative. C. Theory X and Theory Y Xavier has conservative views and believes in what the US management thinker Douglas McGregor called T heoryX, the idea that people dislike work and will do everything they can to avoid itY olanda is more humanitarian and believes in T heory Y , the more advance view that, iven the right conditionseveryone has the potential to find satisfaction in work.Others have suggested T heory W (for 'whiplash J, the idea that most work since the begi nning of human societyhas been done under systems of slavery.
    INTRODUCTION 8 导言 THE HUMAN DIMENSION (职场中有关)人的维度 1 The working environment 10 工作环境 A My work is so rewarding 我的工作很有价值 B I like the teamwork 我喜欢团队合作 C I like the perks 我喜欢额外福利 2 Management styles 1 12 管理风格1 A Motivation 1 激励1 B Motivation 2 激励2 C Theory X and Theory Y X理论和Y理论 3 Management styles 2 14 管理风格2 A Hygiene factors 保健因素 B Motivator factors 激励因素 C Empowerment 授权 4 Employment and employability 16 就业和就业能力 A Outsourcing 外包 B Employability 就业能力 C Freelancers 自由职业者 5 Flexibility and inflexibility 18 柔性和刚性 A Ways of working 工作方式 B Job flexibility 工作灵活性 C Job protection 劳动保护 6 Work–life balance 20 工作与生活的平衡 A Stress 压力 B The causes of stress 导致压力的原因 C Quality of life 生活质量 7 Managing talent 1 22 管理人才1 A Talent 人才 B Recruiting talent 招聘人才 C Managing talent 管理人才 8 Managing talent 2 24 管理人才2 A Talent management 1 人才管理1 B Talent management 2 人才管理2 C Mentoring and coaching 督导和教练技术培训 9 Team building 26 团队建设 A Teams 团队 B Team players 团队角色 C Stages of team life 团队的各个阶段 10 The right skills 28 合适的技能 A Hard and soft skills 硬技能和软技能 B Emotional intelligence 1 情商1 C Emotional intelligence 2 情商2 11 Equality and diversity 30 平等和多样性 A Equality 平等 B Diversity 多样性 C Word combinations with ‘diversity’ 带“diversity”的词语搭配 QUALITY 质量 12 What is quality? 32 什么是质量 A Quality in manufacturing 制造业的质量 B Quality in services 服务业的质量 C Widening the definition of quality 拓宽质量的定义 13 Quality standards 34 质量标准 A Standards and certification 标准和认证 B ISO 9000 and others ISO 9000及其他 14 Quality and people 36 质量和人 A Investors in People 人力资本投资者 B The EFQM Excellence Model EFQM**质量模型 15 Striving for perfection 38 精益求精 A Benchmarking and best practice 标杆管理和*佳实践 B Six Sigma quality 六西格玛质量 COMPETITIVE STRATEGY 竞争战略 16 Strategic thinking 40 战略思考 A Strategy 战略 B Word combinations with ‘strategic’ 带“strategic”的词语搭配 C Companies and markets 公司和市场 17 Competition 42 竞争 A Competition 竞争 B ‘Competing’ and ‘competitive’ “competing”和“competitive” 18 Companies and their industries 44 公司及其行业 A Competitive forces 竞争力 B SWOT analysis SWOT分析 C Be good at something 在某些方面有优势 19 Key strategic issues 46 关键战略问题 A Industries and their players 产业及其参与者 B Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) 并购 C Make or buy? 生产还是购买 20 Innovation 48 创新 A Innovation and the development process 创新与开发过程 B Pioneers, followers and disruptors 开拓者、追随者和破坏者 C Shakeout and consolidation 洗牌和整合 21 Preparing for the future 50 为未来做准备 A Scenario planning 情景规划 B Futurology 未来学 C Risk management 风险管理 22 Risk and uncertainty 52 风险和不确定性 A Incurring risks 引致风险 B Attitudes to risk 对风险的态度 C Insurance 保险 MARKETING 市场营销 23 The four Ps and beyond 54 4P营销及其他 A The four Ps 4P营销 B Three more Ps 另外的3P 24 Customer satisfaction 56 客户满意度 A The four Cs 4C营销 B Customer expectations 客户期望 C Customer dissatisfaction 客户不满意 25 Knowing your customers 1 58 了解你的客户1 A Market intelligence and market research 市场信息和市场调研 B Research stages 调研阶段 C Marketing plans 营销计划 26 Knowing your customers 2 60 了解你的客户2 A Segmentation 市场细分 B Customer groups 客户群体 C New technologies, new concerns 新技术和新担忧 27 Knowing your customers 3 62 了解你的客户3 A Data and databases 数据和数据库 B Customer relationship management 客户关系管理 28 Brands and branding 64 品牌和品牌打造 A Brand equity 品牌价值 B Brand positioning and differentiation 品牌定位和差异化 C Brand stretching 品牌延伸 29 Global brands 66 全球品牌 A Steps abroad 1 走向国外1 B Steps abroad 2 走向国外2 C Think global, act local? 全球化思维,本土化行动 LOGISTICS 物流 30 Supply chain management 68 供应链管理 A Manufacturing 制造业 B Vertical integration 纵向一体化 C Retailing 零售业 31 Logistics 70 物流 A Logistics 物流 B Word combinations with ‘logistical’ 带“logistical”的词语搭配 C Reverse logistics 逆向物流 32 Outsourcing and offshoring 72 外包和离岸外包 A Outsourcing 外包 B Business process outsourcing 业务流程外包 C Offshoring 离岸外包 THE INTERNET AND ITS USES 互联网及其使用 33 Accessing the internet 74 互联网访问 A Broadband internet 宽带网络 B Mobile internet 移动网络 C Moore’s law 摩尔定律 34 Online communication 76 线上沟通 A Web 2.0 Web 2.0 B Keeping in touch 保持联系 C Website attractiveness 网站的吸引力 35 Knowledge and the internet 78 知识与互联网 A Knowledge creation 知识创造 B Intranets 内联网 C Global communities 全球社区 36 Internet security 80 网络** A Attack and defence 攻击和防御 B Cybercrime 网络犯罪 C Privacy and confidentiality 隐私和保密 37 The sharing economy 82 共享经济 A The Uberisation process 优步化过程 B Disruption 打破常规 C Crowdfunding ** 38 Intellectual property 84 知识产权 A Downloading 下载 B Copyright infringement 侵犯版权 C Digital rights management 数字版权管理 COMPANY FINANCE 公司理财 39 Financial performance 86 财务业绩 A Finance 金融(理财) B Financial reporting 财务报告 C The financial year 财年 D Shareholders, bondholders and lenders 股东、债券持有人和出借人 40 Profit and loss account 88 损益账户 A Accruals accounting 权责发生制 B Profit and loss 利润和损失 C Earnings 收益 41 Balance sheet 1 90 资产负债表1 A Assets 资产 B Depreciation 折旧 42 Balance sheet 2 92 资产负债表2 A Liabilities 负债 B Shareholders’ equity 股东权益 43 Cashflow statement 94 现金流量表 A Cash inflows and outflows 现金流入和流出 B Types of cashflow 现金流的类型 44 Comparing performance 96 业绩比较 A Profit and profitability 利润和盈利能力 B Investment ratios 投资比率 C Return on equity 股权收益率 D Leverage 杠杆 45 Shareholder value 98 股东价值 A Yield 收益率 B Price–earnings ratio 市盈率 C Maximizing shareholder value 股东价值*大化 46 Accounting standards 100 会计准则 A Audits and their transparency 审计及其透明度 B International standards 国际标准 BOOM AND BUST 繁荣和萧条 47 The business cycle 102 经济周期 A Key indicators 关键指标 B The business cycle 经济周期 C Boom and bust 繁荣和萧条 48 Bursting bubbles 104 泡沫破灭 A Bubbles 泡沫 B The credit crunch 信贷紧缩 C The real economy 真实经济 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 企业责任 49 Corporate social responsibility 106 企业社会责任 A Ethics 伦理 B Accountability and transparency 问责和透明度 C Corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任 50 Social reporting 108 社会报告 A Social reporting 社会报告 B Word combinations with ‘social’ 带“social”的词语搭配 C Labour standards 劳工标准 51 Green issues 110 环保问题 A Environmental damage 环境破坏 B Eco-friendly products 环保产品 C Recycling 回收利用 52 Climate change 112 气候变化 A Global warming 全球变暖 B Carbon management 碳管理 C Carbon trading 碳排放交易 D Carbon capture 碳捕获 53 Corporate governance 114 公司治理 A Board organization 董事会结构 B Separation of roles 角色分离 C Rewards for success (and failure) 对成功(和失败)的奖励 54 Ethical investment 116 伦理投资 A Activist shareholders 活跃股东 B Controversial products 有争议的产品 C Socially responsible investment 社会责任投资 THE GLOBAL ECONOMY 全球经济 55 Globalization 118 全球化 A Paths to prosperity 繁荣之路 B GDP and GNI 国内生产总值和国民总收入 C Globalizing trends 全球化趋势 56 Investment and debt 120 投资和债务 A Direct investment 直接投资 B Borrowing 借款 C Word combinations with ‘debt’ 带“debt”的词语搭配 57 Trade 122 贸易 A Dismantling the barriers 消除壁垒 B Protected industries 受保护产业 C Fair trade 公平贸易 58 International aid 124 国际援助 A Humanitarian aid 人道主义援助 B Development aid 发展援助 C The aims of aid 援助的目的 59 Sustainable development 126 可持续发展 A Sustainability 可持续性 B Word combinations with ‘sustainable’ 带“sustainable”的词语搭配 C Sustainable development goals 可持续发展目标 INTERCULTURAL ISSUES 跨文化问题 60 Intercultural teams 128 跨文化团队 A Cultural issues 文化问题 B International teams 国际团队 61 Intercultural meetings 130 跨文化会议 A Meeting preparation 会议准备 B Cultural preparation 跨文化方面的准备 C Running the meeting 主持会议 62 Intercultural networking 132 跨文化职场人际关系网 A The right attitude 正确的态度 B Good etiquette 良好的礼节 C Business cards 名片 WRITING 写作 63 Business writing 1 134 商务写作1 A CVs 简历 B Job enquiry 职位问询 64 Business writing 2 136 商务写作2 A Invitation 邀请 B Acknowledgement 回信确认 65 Business writing 3 138 商务写作3 A Outlines 提纲 B Openings and introductions 开头和介绍 C Describing visuals 视觉化表达 66 Business writing 4 140 商务写作4 A Linking ideas 思路衔接 B Forecasts 预测 Answer key 142 答案 Index 160 索引



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