

  • 作者:(英)比尔·马斯卡尔(Bill Mascull)
  • 出版社:商务印书馆
  • ISBN:9787100219037
  • 出版日期:2023年02月01日
  • 页数:175
  • 定价:¥68.00
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    《新版剑桥商务英语词汇用法:中级》第3版为商务英语中级(CEFR B1至B2)学生和专业人士提供商务英语词汇讲解和练习,以提高读者的商务英语知识和应用水平。它通过简单易懂的解释和练习帮助读者扩大商务英语词汇量,在66个不同主题和技能的背景下学习商务英语,包括“电子商务”“简历、求职信和电子邮件”“实习生、培训生和学徒”等。每个单元都有对应习题并在书后附有参考答案,非常适合读者自学。本书也可以跟老师一起学习、一对一学习或者小组学习。
    aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的 aggression -noun 进攻,侵略 appointment noun 约会,指定 badge noun 徽章,证章 colleague noun 同事,同僚 head of department noun 部门经理 department- noun 部门,科,处 managing director noun 常务懂事 personnel noun 人员,职员 public relations noun 公共关系 sales office noun 营业部,销售部 sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的 small talk noun 闲聊 superior noun 长者,上级 surname noun 姓 vice-chairman noun 副主席 vice - prefix 副的 chairman-noun 主席 visitor noun 访问者,来宾 visit - 拜访,参观 whereabouts noun 下落,行踪 aperitif noun 开胃酒
    INTRODUCTION 8 导言 JOBS, PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS 工作、人和组织 1 Work and jobs 10 工作和职业 A What do you do? 你是做什么工作的 B Word combinations with ‘work’ 带“work”的词语搭配 C Types of job and types of work 职业和工作的类型 2 Ways of working 12 工作方式 A Working hours 工作时间 B Nice work if you can get it 如果你能得到这份工作那就还不错 C Nature of work 工作性质 3 Recruitment and selection 14 招聘与甄选 A Recruitment 招聘 B Applying for a job 求职 C Selection procedures 甄选程序 4 Skills and qualifications 16 技能和资格 A Education and training 教育和培训 B Skilled and unskilled 技术和非技术 C The right person 合适的人 5 Pay and benefits 18 薪资福利 A Wages, salary and benefits 工资、薪水和福利 B Compensation 1 津贴1 C Compensation 2 补偿金2 6 People and workplaces 20 人和工作场所 A Employees and management 员工和管理层 B Management and administration 管理层和行政 C Labour 劳动力 D Personnel and HRM 人事部门和人力资源管理 7 Companies and careers 22 公司和职业生涯 A Career paths 职业路径 B Company structure 公司结构 C In-house staff or freelancers? 内部员工还是自由职业者 D Leaving a company 离开公司 8 Problems at work 24 工作中的问题 A Discrimination 歧视 B Bullying and harassment 霸凌和骚扰 C Health and safety 健康和** 9 Managers, executives and directors 26 经理、高管和董事 A Managers and executives: UK 经理和高管:英国 B Managers and executives: US 经理和高管:美国 10 Businesspeople and business leaders 28 商人和商业** A Businesspeople and entrepreneurs 商人和企业家 B Leaders and leadership ***和领导力 C Magnates, moguls and tycoons 大亨们 11 Organizations 1 30 组织1 A Business and businesses 商业和企业 B Commerce 商业/商务 C Enterprise 企业 12 Organizations 2 32 组织2 A Self-employed people and partnerships 个体经营者和合伙企业 B Limited liability 有限责任 C Mutuals 互助组织 D Non-profit organizations 非营利组织 PRODUCTION 生产 13 Manufacturing and services 34 制造业和服务业 A Manufacturing and services 制造业和服务业 B Countries and their industries **及其产业 14 The development process 36 研发过程 A Market research 市场调研 B Development and launch 研发和上市 15 Innovation and invention 38 创新和发明 A Innovation and invention 创新和发明 B Research and technology 研究和技术 C Patents and intellectual property 专利和知识产权 16 Products and services 40 产品和服务 A Products 产品 B Mass production 大批量生产 C Capacity and output 产能和产出 17 Materials and suppliers 42 原材料和供应商 A Inputs 投入 B Suppliers and outsourcing 供应商和外包 C Just-in-time 准时制生产 18 Business philosophies 44 经营理念 A Mass customization 大规模定制 B Wikinomics 维基经济学 C The long tail 长尾理论 D Benchmarking 标杆管理 MARKETING 市场营销 19 Buyers, sellers and the market 46 买方、卖方和市场 A Customers and clients 顾客和客户 B Buyers, sellers and vendors 买方、卖方和卖主 C The market 市场 20 Markets and competitors 48 市场和竞争对手 A Companies and markets 公司和市场 B More word combinations with ‘market’ 更多“market”的相关搭配 C Competitors and competition 竞争对手和竞争 21 Marketing and market orientation 50 市场营销和市场导向 A Marketing 市场营销 B The four Ps 4P营销 C The market orientation 市场导向 22 Products and brands 52 产品和品牌 A Word combinations with ‘product’ 带“product”的词语搭配 B Goods 商品 C Brands and branding 品牌和品牌塑造 23 Price 54 价格 A Pricing 定价 B Word combinations with ‘price’ 带“price”的词语搭配 C Upmarket and downmarket 高端市场和低端市场 D Mass markets and niches 大众市场和利基市场 24 Place 56 渠道 A Distribution: wholesalers, retailers and customers 分销:批发商、零售商和顾客 B Shops 商店 C Direct marketing 直销 25 Promotion 58 推广 A Advertising 广告 B The sales force 销售队伍 C Promotional activities 促销活动 26 E-commerce 60 电子商务 A B2C, B2B and B2G B2C、B2B和B2G B Web 2.0 Web 2.0 C E-commerce companies 电子商务公司 D Word combinations with ‘online’ 带“online”的词语搭配 MONEY 钱 27 Sales and costs 62 销售和成本 A Sales 销售 B Costs 成本 C Margins and mark-ups 利润和毛利 28 Profitability and unprofitability 64 盈利和非盈利 A Profitable and unprofitable products 盈利产品和非盈利产品 B Budgets and expenditure 预算和支出 C Economies of scale and the learning curve 规模经济和学习曲线 29 Getting paid 66 付款 A Shipping and billing 发货和开票 B Trade credit 商业信用 C Accounts 账款 30 Assets, liabilities and the balance sheet 68 资产、负债和资产负债表 A Assets 资产 B Depreciation 折旧 C Liabilities 负债 D Balance sheet 资产负债表 31 The bottom line 70 *终的利润 A Accounts 账目 B Results 业绩 C Financial reporting 财务报告 32 Share capital and debt 72 股本和债务 A Capital 资本 B Share capital 股本 C Loan capital 借贷资本 D Security 担保 E Leverage 杠杆率 33 Success and failure 74 成功和失败 A Cash mountains 大量现金 B Debt and debt problems 债务和债务问题 C Turnarounds and bailouts 转机和救助 D Bankruptcy 破产 34 Mergers, takeovers and sell-offs 76 合并、收购和出售 A Stakes and joint ventures 股份和合资企业 B Mergers and takeovers 合并和收购 C Conglomerates 大型企业集团 FINANCE AND THE ECONOMY 金融与经济 35 Personal finance 78 个人理财 A Traditional banking 传统银行业务 B Internet banking 网上银行业务 C Personal investing 个人投资 36 Financial centres 80 金融** A Financial Centres 金融** B Stock markets 股票市场 C Other financial markets 其他金融市场 D Derivatives 衍生产品 37 Trading 82 交易 A Market indexes 市场指数 B Market activity: good times … 市场活动:股市好的时候…… C … and bad ……和股市坏的时候 38 Indicators 1 84 指标1 A Finance and economics 金融学与经济学 B Inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀和失业 C Trade 贸易 D Growth and GDP 经济增长和国内生产总值 39 Indicators 2 86 指标2 A Going up 上升/增长 B Going down 下降/降低 C Peaks and troughs 高峰和低谷/峰值和谷值 D Boom and bust 繁荣和萧条 DOING THE RIGHT THING 做正确的事 40 Wrongdoing and corruption 88 违规行为和腐败 A Wrongdoing 违规行为 B Bribery and corruption 贿赂和腐败 C Fraud and embezzlement 欺诈和挪用公款 41 Business ethics 90 商业伦理 A Professional behaviour 职业行为 B Social issues 社会问题 C Environmental issues 环境问题 PERSONAL SKILLS 个人技能 42 Time and time management 92 时间和时间管理 A Timeframes and schedules 时间框架和时间表 B Projects and project management 项目和项目管理 C Time tips 时间管理技巧 43 Stress and stress management 94 压力和压力管理 A When work is stimulating 当工作是一种激励 B When stimulation turns to stress 当激励变成压力 C Downshifting 放慢节奏 44 Leadership and management styles 96 领导力和管理风格 A Leadership 领导力 B Modern management styles 现代管理风格 C Empowerment 授权 CULTURE 文化 45 Business across cultures 1 98 跨文化商务1 A Cultures and culture 跨文化与文化 B Power and distance 权力和距离 46 Business across cultures 2 100 跨文化商务2 A Individualism 个人主义 B Time 时间 C Cross-cultural communication 跨文化沟通 TELEPHONING AND WRITING 打电话和写作 47 Telephoning 1: phones and numbers 102 打电话1:电话和号码 A Telephones and beyond 电话及其他 B ‘Phone’, ‘call’ and ‘ring’ “phone”“call”和“ring” C Numbers 电话号码 D Doing things over the phone 通过电话能做的事 48 Telephoning 2: trying to get through 104 打电话2:尝试接通电话 A Asking to speak to someone 请某人接电话 B Voicemail 1 语音信箱1 C Voicemail 2 语音信箱2 49 Telephoning 3: getting through 106 打电话3:接通电话 A Getting through 接通电话 B Giving and taking messages 传达和记录信息 C Spelling names 拼写姓名 D Taking messages: checking information 留言:核对信息 50 Telephoning 4: arrangements and ending calls 108 打电话4:安排和结束通话 A Phoning again 再次打电话 B Making arrangements 做安排 C Closing the conversation 结束通话 D Changing arrangements 更改安排 51 Business communication 1: staying in touch 110 商务沟通1:保持联系 A Business cards 1 名片1 B Business cards 2 名片2 C Staying in touch 保持联系 52 Business communication 2: email 112 商务沟通2:电子邮件 A Email 电子邮件 B Email expressions 电子邮件的表达 C Beginnings and endings 开头和结尾 53 CVs, cover letters and emails 114 简历、求职信和电子邮件 A CV tips 写简历的技巧 B Parts of a CV 简历的组成部分 C Cover letters and emails 求职信和电子邮件 54 Interns, trainees and apprentices 116 实习生、培训生和学徒 A Interns 实习生 B Experience or exploitation? 经验还是剥削 C Trainees and apprentices 培训生和学徒 BUSINESS SKILLS 商务技能 55 Meetings 1: types of meeting 118 会议1:会议的类型 A Word combinations with ‘meeting’ 带“meeting”的词语搭配 B Types of meeting 会议的类型 C How was the meeting? 会开得如何 56 Meetings 2: the chair 120 会议2:主持者 A The role of the chair: before the meeting 主持者的角色:会议之前 B The role of the chair: running the meeting 主持者的角色:主持会议 C Follow-up 后续 57 Meetings 3: points of view 122 会议3:观点 A Opening the meeting 会议开始 B Asking for and expressing opinions 征求和表达意见 58 Meetings 4: agreement and disagreement 124 会议4:表示同意和不同意 A Agreeing 同意 B Disagreeing 不同意 59 Meetings 5: discussion techniques 126 会议5:讨论技巧 A Interrupting, referring back, checking understanding, avoiding confrontation 打断、转回话题、确认理解、避免冲突 B Agreement, consensus or compromise? 一致意见、共识还是妥协 C Concluding 结论 60 Presentations 1: key ideas 128 演讲与展示1:主要思路 A Types of presentation 演讲与展示的类型 B What makes a good presentation? 如何做好演讲与展示 C Presentation tools and visual aids 演示工具和视觉辅助 61 Presentations 2: key steps 130 演讲与展示2:关键步骤 A Key steps: introduction 关键步骤:介绍 B Key steps: main part 关键步骤:主体部分 C Key steps: closing 关键步骤:结束 62 Presentations 3: audience interaction 132 演讲与展示3:与听众互动 A Closing and dealing with questions 结束和处理问题 B Intercultural aspects 跨文化方面 63 Negotiations 1: situations and negotiators 134 谈判1:情境和谈判者 A Types of negotiation 谈判的类型 B Word combinations with ‘negotiations’ 带“negotiation”的词语搭配 C Bargaining 讨价还价 64 Negotiations 2: preparing 136 谈判2:准备 A Preparing to negotiate 谈判准备 B Opening the negotiation 谈判的开场 C Negotiating styles 谈判风格 65 Negotiations 3: win-win 138 谈判3:双赢 A Probing 探询 B Positive positions 积极的立场 C Negative positions 消极的立场 D Concessions and trade-offs 让步和权衡 66 Negotiations 4: reaching agreement 140 谈判4:达成一致 A Deadlock and mediators 僵局和调解者 B Agreements and contracts 协议和合同 C Checking the deal 核对协议 Answer key 142 答案 Index 161 索引



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