INTRODUCTION 10 导言 Learner training A: Talking about language 10 学习者训练A:讲语言 A Types of word and tenses 词类和时态 B Other language words you should know 你应该知道的其他语言表达 WORK 工作 1 Jobs and industries 12 职业和行业 A I’m in construction 我在建筑行业工作 B Your job 你的职业 C Other jobs 其他人的职业 2 Places and departments 14 工作地点和部门 A Places 地点 B Departments 1 部门1 C Departments 2 部门2 3 Types of work 16 工作的类型 A Jobs and work 职业与工作 B Stopping work 停止工作 C I work with … 我和……一起工作 4 Work and numbers 18 工作和数量 A How many employees are there? 有多少员工 B Sites 工作地点 5 Getting to work 20 上班 A Ways of getting to work 上班的方式 B The city centre and the suburbs 市**和郊区 C Commuting 通勤 BUSINESS TRAVEL 商务出行 6 Business travel 1: at the airport 22 商务出行1:机场 A Getting to the airport 去机场 B Airport announcements 机场广播 C Travel adjectives 与出行相关的形容词 7 Business travel 2: at the hotel 24 商务出行2:酒店 A Checking into a hotel 登记入住酒店 B Making contact 1 与人联系1 C Making contact 2 与人联系2 NUMBERS 数字 8 Numbers and years 26 数字和年 A Zero to ninety-nine 0到99 B Larger numbers 更大的数字 C Years, decades and centuries 年、十年和世纪 9 Ordering numbers, parts of numbers 28 序数和非整数 A Ordering numbers 序数 B Parts of numbers 非整数 CAREERS 职业 10 Who’s the boss? 30 老板���谁 A Managers and employees 管理者和员工 B Managing departments 部门管理 11 Ways of working 32 工作方式 A Office work 办公室工作 B Factory work 工厂工作 C Laboratory work 实验室工作 D Out of the office 在办公室之外工作 12 Getting to the top 34 到达职业** A Getting to the top 1 到达职业**1 B Getting to the top 2 到达职业**2 13 Skills 36 技能 A Are you any good with people? 你善于与人相处吗 B Skills 技能 C Skilled and unskilled workers 技术工人和非技术工人 14 Qualifications and training 38 学历和培训 A Qualifications 学历 B Training 培训 15 E-learning 40 线上学习 A Types of training 培训类型 B E-learning 线上学习 C Lifelong learning 终身学习 Learner training B: Pronunciation 42 学习者训练B:发音 A Pronunciation symbols 音标 B Stress 重读 TIME 时间 16 Numbers and time 44 数字和时间 A Talking about the time 谈论时间 B Start and finish times 开始时间和结束时间 C Morning, afternoon, evening, night 早上、下午、傍晚和晚上 17 Timetables 46 时间表 A Timetables 时刻表 B Travel times 出行时间 18 Days and dates 48 日期 A Months and seasons 月份和季节 B Days and dates 日期 C Public holidays 公共假日 19 Time expressions 50 时间表达 A Early or late? 早或晚 B Word combinations with ‘time’ and quantities of time 带“time”或时间量的词语搭配 C Adverbs of frequency 频度副词 20 Do you have time? 52 你有时间吗 A I don’t have time 我没有时间 B Are you free on Friday? 你周五有时间吗 21 Project management 54 项目管理 A We must finish on time 我们必须按时完成 B The schedule 进度表 C We’re behind schedule 我们的进度慢了 22 Free time and holidays 56 闲暇时间和假期 A Spare time 闲暇时间 B Word combinations with ‘have’ and ‘take’ 带“have”和“take”的词语搭配 C Going on holiday 度假 MONEY 钱 23 Notes and coins 58 纸币和硬币 A Notes and coins 纸币和硬币 B Changing money 兑换货币 C Abbreviations 缩写 24 Prices 60 价格 A Talking about prices 谈论价格 B Tax 税 C ‘Value’ and ‘worth’ “value”和“worth” 25 Numbers and money 62 数字和钱 A Amounts of money 1 钱数1 B Amounts of money 2 钱数2 C Approximate amounts 近似数 26 Can we afford it? 64 我们买得起吗 A It’s so expensive 太贵了 B Careful with money 精打细算 C Loans 借贷 27 Pay and benefits 66 薪资福利 A Wages 工资 B Salaries 薪金待遇 28 Company banking 68 银行公司业务 A Accounts 账户 B Cards 银行卡 C Online banking 网上银行 29 Companies and money 1 70 公司和钱1 A ‘To sell’ 出售 B Sales 销售额 C Costs 成本 30 Companies and money 2 72 公司和钱2 A Budgets 预算 B Sales forecasts 销售预测 C Results 结果 Learner training C: Learning vocabulary 74 学习者训练C:学习词汇 A Word combinations 词语搭配 B Word groups 词群 C Diagrams 简图 D Types of English 英语的类型 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 产品和服务 31 Product details 1 76 产品详情1 A Dimensions 尺寸 B Features 特点 32 Product details 2 78 产品详情2 A Comparative adjectives 形容词比较级 B Superlative adjectives 形容词*** 33 Services 1 80 服务1 A Service industries 服务行业 B Support services 支持服务 C A service company 服务公司 34 Services 2 82 服务2 A Service characteristics 服务特点 B Problems with services 服务中的问题 35 What’s it made of? 84 它是用什么做的 A It’s made of … 它是……做的 B Materials and their uses 材料及其用途 C It’s unbreakable 它不易破损 36 From producer to customer 1 86 从生产商到客户1 A Manufactured products 工业产品 B Industries and their processes 行业及其流程 37 From producer to customer 2 88 从生产商到客户2 A Stages in the process 1 流程步骤1 B Stages in the process 2 流程步骤2 C Stages in the process 3 流程步骤3 38 Where’s it sold? 90 在哪儿卖 A Shops and stores 商铺和商店 B Direct sales 直销 39 Product instructions 92 产品说明书 A Follow the instructions 按照说明操作 B Press the button 按下按钮 40 Problems with products 1 94 产品问题1 A Faults 故障 B Guarantees 保修 41 Problems with products 2 96 产品问题2 A What can go wrong? 会出什么问题 B Keeping customers happy 让客户满意 Learner training D: Using dictionaries 98 学习者训练D:使用词典 A What dictionaries do I need? 我需要什么样的词典 B What information does a dictionary give? 词典提供什么信息 C How should I use my dictionary? 我该如何使用词典 SOCIALIZING 社交 42 Socializing 1: nice to meet you 100 社交1:很高兴认识你 A At the airport 在机场 B At the office 在办公室 C Saying goodbye 说再见 43 Socializing 2: at the restaurant 102 社交2:在餐馆 A Choosing and ordering 点菜和下单 B Small talk 闲聊 C Thanking 感谢 44 Socializing 3: networking 104 社交3:建立人脉 A Business or pleasure? 商务出差还是旅游 B Here’s my card 这是我的名片 C Saying the right thing 说恰当的话 TELEPHONING 打电话 45 Telephoning 1: starting and ending 106 打电话1:开始和结束 A Starting informal calls 开始非正式通话 B Starting formal calls 开始正式通话 C Ending calls 结束通话 46 Telephoning 2: spelling and numbers 108 打电话2:拼写和号码 A Telephone alphabet 电话字母表 B Spelling 拼写 C Numbers 号码 47 Telephoning 3: checking information 110 打电话3:核对信息 A Showing understanding 表示理解对方意思 B Checking and confirming information 核对和确认信息 48 Telephoning 4: messages 112 打电话4:留言 A When you receive a call 当你接到一个电话 B When you make a call 当你打了一个电话 C Leaving a message 留言 49 Telephoning 5: the wrong number 114 打电话5:错误的号码 A Wrong number 错误的号码 B Wrong department 错误的部门 A Wrong person 错误的人 BUSINESS WRITING 商务写作 50 Business writing: introduction 116 商务写作:简介 A Ways of communicating 沟通方式 B Formal and informal 正式和非正式 C Beginning emails and texts 电子邮件的开头 51 Business writing: emails 1 118 商务写作:电子邮件1 A Starting the message 邮件正文开头 B Attachments 附件 C Word combinations with ‘email’ 带“email”的词语搭配 D Requests 要求 52 Business writing: emails 2 120 商务写作:电子邮件2 A Good and bad news 好消息和坏消息 B Ending emails 邮件结尾 C Email and text language 邮件和文本用语 53 Business writing: letters 122 商务写作:信函 A Beginning letters 信函开头 B Letter layout 信函格式 C Ending letters 信函结尾 PRESENTATIONS 演讲与展示 54 Presentations 1: getting started 124 演讲与展示1:开始 A Preparation 准备 B Introduction 介绍 55 Presentations 2: the main part 126 演讲与展示2:主体部分 A Starting the main part 主体部分的开头 B Moving between sections 各部分的衔接 C Slides and handouts 幻灯片和资料 D Ending and questions 结束和提问 56 Presentations 3: charts and graphs 128 演讲与展示3:图表 A Pie charts 饼形图 B Graphs and bar charts 曲线图和条形图 57 Presentations 4: comparing trends 130 演讲与展示4:趋势比较 A Graphs 图表 B ‘Less’, ‘more’ and ‘the same’ “少于”“多于”和“持平” C Adjective and noun combinations 形容词和名词的组合 D Comparative adverbs 副词比较级 59 Presentations 5: site tours 132 演讲与展示5:实地参观 A Company sites 公司现场 B Introduction to the tour 行程介绍 C Guided tour 带领参观 MEETINGS 会议 59 Meetings 1: organizing a meeting 134 会议1:组织会议 A Word combinations with ‘meeting’ 带“meeting”的词语搭配 B Agendas 议程 C Types of meeting 会议的类型 60 Meetings 2: chairing a meeting 136 会议2:主持会议 A Chairing 主持 B Interruptions and how to stop them 打断及如何阻止打断 61 Meetings 3: opinions and suggestions 138 会议3:看法和建议 A Opinions, agreeing and disagreeing 看法、同意和不同意 B Suggesting and explaining 建议和解释 62 Meetings 4: agreeing action and closing 140 会议4:达成一致和结束会议 A Action points 行动要点 B Closing 结束会议 Irregular verbs 142 不规则动词 Answer key 143 答案 Index 162 索引