Good morning. Today, we'll look atsome study activities used in university. As we know, students in colleges or universities are expected to master some academic materials that are fairly difficult to understand. However, some of them find it hard to learn some complex, abstract or unfamiliar subject matter. As a result, a central problem in higher education is how to internalize academic knowledge--that is, how to make knowledge our own. In order to doso, we must convert knowledge from being "other people's knowledge" to being part of our own ways of thinking. Then, how are we going to do it? And what are the means available to help us in the process of learning? There are four key study activities currently used in higher education to encourage students to internalize knowledge. They are the ones we are familiar with: writing essays, going to classes and seminars, having individual tutorials, and listening to lectures. These four activities are long-established features of our higher education, and they are almost as important now as they were a hundred years ago. Now let's look at the features of them one .by one.
First, essay writing. The central focus of university work, esp. in the humanities, for example inliterature, history or politics, is on student's producing regular essays or papers which summarize and express their personal understanding of a topic. Then, what is good about essay writing? Firstly, writing essays forces you to select what you find interesting in books and:journals, and to express your understanding in a coherent form. Individual written work also provides teachers with the best available guide to how you are progressing in a subject, an~~ allows them to give advice on how to develop your strengths or counteract your weaknesses. Lastly, of course, individual written work is still the basis of almost all assessment in higher education. Written assignments familiarize you with the form that your exams or coursework papers will take.
…… 《英语专业八级题库与解析》是根据《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲》和《高等学校英语专业八级考试大纲(2004年新版)》的要求,并参照“高等学校英语专业八级考试”的题型编写而成的。全书共分听力理解、阅读理解、人文知识、改错、英汉互译五章。其目的是通过超大量的模拟训练和详细而**突出的讲解,帮助英语专业本科高年级的学生从整体上提高他们的听、说、读、写能力,使他们在英语专业八级考试中取得理想成绩。