Life and works. At least in his own time, Cooper's character was asimportant a factor in his fame as his writing was. His life merits our review.Cooper was born in Burlington, New Jersey, in 1789. His father, JudgeWilliam Cooper, was a wealthy merchant and landowner who also servedas a Congressman for two terms. Judge Cooper passed his Federalist beliefson to his son. Cooper also studied under a tutor who was anti-Puritan and aLoyalist. Cooper spent his youth in his father's village Coopertown, whichwas not far from the border of the 18th century frontier. He went to Yale at13 where he studied with great interest Shakespeare and the major poets ofthe 18th century. Two years later he was dismissed from Yale because of hisrowdy behaviors. He was then sent to sea, serving first on a merchant ship asa deckhand and later as a midshipman in the navy. In 1811, he married SusanDeLancey of a Loyalist family. She kept him off the sea. From 1814 till 1817when the family estate was divided, he lived with his wife in Coopertown as acountry squire. Because of the "accident" described, he published Precautionin 1820. The following year he published The Spy, with the RevolutionaryWar as the backdrop. The Spy was soon translated into several languages andwas turned into a play. Suddenly Cooper was the most popular Americanwriter in Europe.
Cooper's third novel was The Pioneers (1823), set in the Otsego Lakeregion during the decade after the Revolutionary War. The Pioneers startedthe Leather-stocking series consisting of five novels. In 1823, Cooper alsopublished The Pilot, the first of 11 sea novels. This was a sea story thatfeatured Long Tom Coffin and other memorable characters. Its blending oftechnical details and fiction to make a patriotic appeal anticipated HermanMelville and Joseph Conrad. Both, indeed, generously acknowledged theirindebtedness to Cooper.
In 1826 Cooper took his family to Europe. That year and in the followingyear he met Scott and Lafayette. By 1833
…… 《美国文学史》是为中国的学者、学生写的一部学术专著。2002年由南京译林出版社出版之后,颇得读者厚爱,增印多次。这一次我对原书做了全面修订和勘校,又增添了不少新内容。例如,为每一章编写了详尽的提问练习并提��参考书目(全部纳入Appendix 1),增补了若干新的作者和作品,对前版已有的作品分析做了必要的补充。此增订版是一部具有充分教材功能的专著,既可作为英语专业高年级本科生和研究生的教材,也可为学者的研究、自学者的学习提供参考,为所有对美国文学和文化有兴趣的读者提供对美国文学史的一个完整和准确的叙述。所谓“完整”,指本书的叙述没有止于二十世纪六、七十年代,而是把美国文学史一直延展到二十一世纪“当下”的现状和趋势,因此,本书首尾呼应,有始有终。