Warm-up Questions
1)How do you understand the importance of international trade?
2)What are the differences between international trade and domestic trade?
3)In your opinion,where can you find the rules and norms governing international trade?
4)Do you know some theories the economists have created to justify and explain international trade?
5)Can you name some international organizations,which play a role in regulating international trade?
1. 1 Globalization and International Trade
Trade consists of the import and export of goods,services and technologies. It is as old as the oldest civilization. Throughout the history of mankind,countries traded to obtain needed items ranging from textiles to spices that were not readily available in their own countries. Asia,Middle East,Africa and Europe have been the major marketplaces of trade for hundreds of years. There were famous”silk road”,which linked the market of ancient China with Middle East and Europe,and the first international sea trade route established by the Europeans in the sixteenth century. With the advent of great naval power,Portugal and Spain opened the Americas,India,and the Pacific to trade. For more than three hundreds of years,trade in cotton,corn,horses,weapons and even slaves thrived among Europe,America and Africa 本书的编著遵循“方便使用者”(user-friendly)的指导思想,从体例安排到语言风格均旨在满足使用者(包括教授者与学习者)的实际需求。为帮助使用者快速了解本书,现将其主要特点简要介绍如下:
一、在体例设计上,本书兼采中外同类著作的优点,从方便教学,方便学习者使用的角度设计。全书正文共设十章:国际贸易的法律环境、国际货物买卖法(I)、国际货物买卖法(II)、国际货物运输法律制度、国际贸易支付法律制度、国际技术转让法律制度、国际电子商务法律制度、世界贸易组织法律制度、各国管理贸易的法律制度、国际商事争议解决法律制度。每章包括“内容大纲”、“热身问题”、“正文”、“小结”和“练习”五个组成部分。“内容大纲”(Chapter。outline)可帮助使用者宏观了解本章的内容结构和主要问题,课前对“热身问题”(Warm-up questions)的讨论则可以帮助学习者积累必要的背景知识,激发其学习本章内容的兴趣和探索的热情。“小结”(Chapter summary)是对本章所讨论的主要理论、规则、观点的简要归纳,以帮助学习者回顾本章的主要内容。“练习”(Chapter questions)部分安排了“正误辨析”、“问答题”、“案例题”,个别章节还安排有“选择题”和“开放式讨论题”等多种练习形式,使用者可根据个人情况选择逐一完成或只选做其中部分题目。除上述内容外,全书还包括“前言”、“目录”、“附录”、“法律术语表”、“参考书目”其他五个组成部分。