The Germans had pinpointed the situation from the economic intelligence they had obtained. Sinopec and FMMBI in China had determined to transform Daqing's 300KT/A cracking gas compressor in the ethylene plant into a 48KT/A compressor. Now the renovation of the core equipment, which would cost 3.8 billion yuan, was at a stage of selecting manufacturers of compressors.
The Germans began to be complacent. They were so confident that they thought choosing their compressors was very justifiable, as no other manufacturer in the machinery manufacturing industry could compete with them on the same platform.
They knew that at that time in China, ethylene was so rare that even people with a lot of money in hand could not find places to buy it. Ethylene could be turned into various products, but only German equipment could meet the expectations of the Chinese people.
Would this starting point of thinking be fixed? It was true that China wanted to meet its domestic needs, but were the Chinese, at the intersection of the world's advanced equipment and their national interests, thinking the same way as those foreigners were? In this case, which manufacturer of compressors would be selected for the Daqing Ethylene Phase IITransformation Project?
At that time, Liu Xuan had just returned to Shengu with a contract to manufacture a cracking gas compressor and a propylene compressor for Daqing. Of course, there were voices of doubt that he was not pleased to hear.
"Is it right to choose the compressors made by Shengu? Is it reliable?"
"The transformation of these two compressors is a national project for increasing ethylene production, which allows no failure. As everyone in our profession knows, these two machines are like the head and heart of a human being, and a 'stroke' or 'angina pectoris' would be fatal. If the compressors go wrong, those chemical enterprises that rely on our ethylene as raw materials will be 'hungry and thirsty,' and will soon be in a state of dormancy."
"China has only four factories with 300KT/A ethylene compressors. Now that the country has given Shengu the task of transforming Daqing's compressors, the other three factories will be watching us and will see how we are doing the job. So, no failure will be allowed, and that is tough. Why? The compressors were introduced by foreign countries, and so why won't we continue to introduce more compressors? Isn't it just because they cost more money? It won't take long to earn money back. Besides, if there's something wrong with the foreign equipment, we don't need to take responsibility."
These were all rational thoughts. Many people understood that the real intention behind these opinions was to introduce two compressors with higher capacities from abroad. Although these new compressors would cost much more, the responsibility would be with the foreigners if any unexpected situation happened.
When Liu heard these voices of doubts, he thought of the decision made jointly by Sinopec and Ministry of Machine-Building Industry(MMBI), and the conclusion that Shengu should produce the cracking gas compressor, the propylene compressor for Daqing, and would also manufacture the hydrogen compressors for the factory in Maoming, in South China's Guangdong Province.
This decision was made on November 30, 1975. Liu Xuan remembered it clearly.